National Politics

Supreme Court Closes The Book on New York City's Lawsuit Against Gun Makers

Court Also Rejects DC/Lawson Case NEWTOWN, Conn. -- Putting an end to nine years of litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear New York City's request to continue a lawsuit that sought to hold firearms manufacturers responsible for the criminal misuse of firearms. "We are very pleased by today's ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court to not review lower appellate court rulings that dismissed...

Pro-Obama faux gun group discovers they were used

"We believe recent attacks on Senator Obama's stand on the 2nd Amendment and his commitment to our hunting and shooting heritage are unfair and American Hunters and Shooters Association is stepping up to set the record straight. ...Senator Obama will be a strong and authentic voice for America's hunters and shooters and it is with great pleasure that we endorse his candidacy." - Ray Schoenke,...

Second Amendment Task Force responds to Attorney General's comments on 'Assault Weapons'

Editor's Note: As you read this press release, please take special note of the lack of a single Ohio congressman on the list. It is time to contact yours and find out why! WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Congressman Dan Boren, (OK-2) and U.S. Congressman Paul Broun, (GA-10), Co-Chairs of the Second Amendment Task Force (SATF) in the U.S. House of Representatives, released the following statements...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 60 - Gun Ban Announced

Taken from the most recent "Page Nine" Alan Korwin's "The Uninvited Ombudsman Report" ---------- 1- Gun Ban Announced The lamestream media told you: "The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today," according to ABC News on Wed., Feb. 25. "As President...

GOP Senate candidate Rob Portman addresses League of Ohio Sportsmen

By Larry S. Moore The League of Ohio Sportsmen recently held their 101st annual convention in Marietta, Ohio. I attended for a portion of the conference and the evening banquet. In addition to talking sportsmen and conservation club leaders from around Ohio, I wanted to hear Rob Portman's key note address. Portman is the announced Republican candidate for the Senate seat being vacated by Senator...

Semi-Automatic Rifle Ban Would Reduce Jobs, Not Crime

Firearms Industry Reminds Congress to Respect Second Amendment Rights Responding to Attorney General Eric Holder's comment Wednesday that the Obama Administration will attempt to reinstate a ban against semi-automatic rifles, the National Shooting Sports Foundation reminded Congress and all Americans that such a ban would cause jobs to be lost in a difficult economy, have no effect on reducing...

No U.S. Ammo in Canada?: Politics and Pistols, Pt. 2

Editor's Note: The following commentary was published as a follow-up to the article published on this website here . By Jim Shepherd [Recently], we reported that Canadian authorities had sent word of a United States State Department proposal that would ban several ammo calibers sale by United States companies to Canada. It's safe to say that the story kicked off quite a storm on both sides of the...

Obama's anti-gun Attorney General makes it official: Gun bans are coming

"Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear...I think people can take me at my word." - President-elect Barack Obama, just weeks before his inauguration. By Chad D. Baus Attorney General Eric Holder has just confirmed what pro-gun activists warned of before Election Day - the Obama administration is going to try to ban your guns.


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