National Politics

President-elect Obama's Employment Application Form Demands to Know if Applicants Are "Registered" Gun Owners

Statement from NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre : The Obama administration’s employment application proves what NRA has been saying: the Obama administration is anti-firearms ownership and anti-Second Amendment. "(59) Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information. Has the registration ever lapsed? Please also...

Headline: "Gun and Ammo Sales Shoot Higher"

Even though Barack Obama worked to convince voters that he meant no threat to their gun rights, Americans seem to be casting their votes against Obama - with their wallets. Youngstown's ABC affiliate, WYTV, is reporting that all across the country, including here in Ohio, gun and ammunition sales have shot through the roof in the week since Election Day.

Obama and Guns: How We Win

By Gerard Valentino So, as believers in the civil right to bear arms, where do we go now that the most anti-gun president in history takes office in January? To be fair, for us, nothing changes. We simply attack this problem as aggressively as we attacked the Clinton administration and the Republicans who turned their back on us and voted for the Joe Biden-authored 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. We...

"Yes We Can . . . Ban Guns" - Obama Announces Gun Ban Agenda

NRA-ILA -- Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign slogan, "the audacity of hope," should have instead been "the audacity of deceit." After months of telling the American people that he supports the Second Amendment, and only hours after being declared the president-elect, the Obama transition team website announced an agenda taken straight from the anti-gun lobby--four initiatives designed...

Obama's first decision as President-elect: Adding to his anti-gun "F-Troop"

By Chad D. Baus As a Chicago 'community organizer' and member of the Illinois and U.S. Senate, Barack Obama established a strong anti-Second Amendment record. But as a candidate for President, the former Joyce Foundation board member sought to convince voters that his administration would offer no threat to their gun rights, despite having selected NRA "F"-rated Joe Biden as his vice president...

Politico: It was guns, not race, that affected Bradley

In the run-up to election day, mainstream media pundit and mainstream media fretted about various theories about how the election could be stolen from Barack Obama. One of the most common fears was a related to a lurking racism that was not showing up in the polls. But The Politico 's Joe Mathews did his homework, and posted his findings Tuesday morning. Turns out it wasn't racism that turned...

2008 Election Results: Second Amendment impact

2008 has been a unique year in the history of this political action committee. Term limits are forcing many of our friends out of the state legislature. Many races had no incumbent and were in competitive districts where either candidate had a good chance to win. Following are links to election results in races involving our 2008 General Election Endorsements, along with analysis.

Election Day WARNING: U.N. members give go-ahead on proposal to curb arms

The Associated Press is reporting that the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly endorsed the idea of an unprecedented treaty regulating the global arms trade Friday, despite opposition from the United States. The AP failed to mention that opposition could end if Barack Obama is elected.


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