National Politics

Op-Ed: Say goodbye to hunting rights

By Stephen Griffin As I have mentioned on occasion in my columns, I dearly love to go hunting. I have rarely been happier than the 30 years of spending that week following Thanksgiving living in a tent and sleeping on the ground with my dad in our Gallia County deer camp. We arrived home after the last day of the season and much to my mother's chagrin, all grubby and smelly, wearing the dirtiest...

FLASH: Obama 'transition team' already eying method to allow government storage of gun purchase records

The Outdoor Wire, an outdoor sports industry resource, is reporting that Barack Obama's prematurely-established 'transition team' is already considering changes to the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) for firearms purchases that would allow gun purchase records to be stored on government servers .

Report: Gun Sales Thriving In Uncertain Times

The Washington Post is reporting that while Americans have cut back on buying cars, furniture and clothes in a tough economy, there's one consumer item that's still enjoying healthy sales: guns. According to state and federal data, purchases of firearms and ammunition have risen 8 to 10 percent this year. The story reports many dealers, buyers and experts attribute the increase in part to...

Op-Ed: Gun Rights an Important Component of 2008 Elections

By Joseph P. Tartaro With just [days] left in the longest presidential campaign in American history, the road to the White House appears to run through fewer than 10 states. These battlegrounds, many of them in either the Rust Belt or the West, could hold the key to whether Sen. Barack Obama or Sen. John McCain becomes the nation’s 44th president. And the outcomes there could turn in part on the...

A month in the life of a southern Ohio Buckeye Firearms Association volunteer Leader

By Rick Jones Seems it all started out when Senator Obama was made the nominee for President by the National Democratic Party. After hearing this I decided I needed to do something to PREVENT Mr. Obama from being elected President. I’ve already been the assigned National Rifle Association Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC) for the Ohio 6th Congressional District and I’ve already been involved...

Road to Victory Rally with Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee Sarah Palin in Bowling Green, OH

Governor Sarah Palin, candidate for Vice President and 2008 Buckeye Firearms Association-endorsee , will appear at a Road to Victory Rally, Friday, October 29th at Bowling Green State University's Perry Field House in Bowling Green, Ohio. Doors open at 8:15am. [UPDATE: Another appearance has been added for Wednesday in Chillicothe!] Road to Victory Rally with Sarah Palin-Bowling Green, OH Bowling...

Obama's "Joe the Hunter" moment has finally come

By Chad D. Baus Barack Obama has voted for or supported some of the most extreme gun control measures ever attempted in our nation. And yet, with the help of his media accomplices, the Democrat has managed to lull some gun owners into complacency, just as he has managed to lull many hard-working, red-blooded American workers into complacency by obscuring his socialist economic agenda. Thanks to...

Op-Ed: Obama and the Attempt to Destroy the Second Amendment

By David T. Hardy As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama must demonstrate executive experience, but he remains strangely silent about his eight years (1994-2002) as a director of the Joyce Foundation, a billion dollar tax-exempt organization. He has one obvious reason: during his time as director, Joyce Foundation spent millions creating and supporting anti-gun organizations. There is another...


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