National Politics

Buckeye Firearms Association 2008 General Election endorsements

Click here to download a print version of our Pro-Gun Voter Guide > > > Get a Custom Voter Guide for your district. 2008 is a unique year in the history of this political action committee. Term limits are forcing many of our friends out of the legislature. Many races have no incumbent and are in competitive districts where either candidate has a good chance to win. There is not enough...

Report: TSA weighs airport gun ban in unsecured areas

USA Today reported recently that the Transportation Security Administration may allow airports to ban firearms from terminals, parking lots, roads and other airport areas where many states currently allow passengers to carry lethal weapons, eliminating persons' right to bear arms for self-defense even while driving to and from the airport.

Polls show tepid support for McCain among gun owners

By Chad D. Baus is reporting that, while few hunters are pining for a day in the woods with Barack Obama, a surprising number of sportsmen say they’ll vote for him – far more than backed Al Gore or goose-hunting John Kerry. Citing a Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation poll released Wednesday, the Politico story notes that John McCain leads former Joyce Foundation board member Barack...

D.C. Gun Ban: Anti-gun House Dems buckle under NRA pressure, vote to come next month

The Washington Post is reporting that Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have agreed to allow a vote next month on a bill that would end local handgun control in the District, making it easier for D.C. residents to acquire pistols, including semiautomatics, while eliminating the strict handgun-storage requirements imposed by the city. Even as Democrats shuttered the Capitol...

The ACLU's hypocritical position on the Second Amendment

By Brian S. Stewart “The ACLU interprets the Second Amendment as a collective right. Therefore, we disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in D.C. v. Heller .” Gun rights advocates have long charged that the ACLU are left-wing activists first, “civil rights advocates” a very distant second. The organization has confirmed it with this position , and buried their collectivist heads in the sand...

Op-Ed: Obama's Shifting Positions Leave Questions Unanswered On Guns...

By John Lott Sen. Barack Obama claims there has been only a "shift in emphasis," not "wild shifts," in his political positions. Many already know the list: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, NAFTA, public financing of campaigns, abortion, gay marriage, Social Security taxes, the death penalty and negotiating with rogue nations. Possibly one of the more remarkable changes has been his position...

Op-Ed: Gunning for Nov.

It’s not easy to get lawmakers to pay attention to issues other than energy and housing when gas is $4 per gallon and banks are announcing record losses due to failing mortgage investments. Yet that’s exactly what the National Rifle Association is attempting to do by grading members on whether they sign a discharge petition to force a vote on an NRA-backed bill. Given the lobby’s clout, the...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.