National Politics

Op-Ed: Gun Debate Is Hardly Over

By John R. Lott, Jr. The Supreme Court may have confirmed that Americans have the right to own guns for protection, but the gun debate is hardly over. The District of Columbia, whose handgun ban was struck down by the Supreme Court, is still planning on banning most handguns. And the court decision has spurred the media into overdrive to paint guns as dangerous to their owners. No one who has...

Editorial: Keep it simple on guns

The District government appears to be headed for disaster as it prepares to craft policies to regulate handgun registration and licensing in response to the Supreme Court's decision declaring unconstitutional the city's absolute ban. A hearing last week clearly showed that most members on the D.C. City Council want regulations tailored to discourage, to the point of infringement, the ownership of...

Post-Heller Congressional Action On "Second Amendment Enforcement Act"

...Following the Supreme Court's favorable Heller decision, city officials in Washington, D.C. have been planning to obstruct D.C. citizens from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, despite the Supreme Court's clear statements. And some in Congress are planning to do something about it. On Thursday [July 10], Representative Mark Souder (R-Ind.) introduced H. Res. 1331, a rule to govern...

Dept. of Interior stalls decision for Right-to-Carry in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges

Department of the Interior Extends Deadline for Comments Regarding Right-to-Carry in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges Until August 8 Like a quarterback taking a knee in the fourth quarter, two of Congress's most ardent opponents of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms are trying to run out the clock on efforts to enhance your right to self-defense in our national parks and wildlife refuges. For two...

John Lott's Reaction to D.C. Gun Ban Decision

By John R. Lott, Jr. The Supreme Court's decision Thursday affirming that people have a right to own guns evoked all sorts of reactions. Let's just go through a few of them. 1) One of the strangest was Barack Obama's claim that the court had essentially confirmed what had been his positions all along. Telling the FOX Business Network...that he had "said consistently that I believe that the Second...

Wishful thinking: Congressional Quarterly blogger says guns now a “non-issue” in campaigns

By Brian S. Stewart The landmark Supreme Court ruling in D.C. v. Heller delivered a knockout blow to “collective” rights theorists in the anti-gun community. It put into jeopardy blanket handgun bans in Chicago, San Francisco, and other municipalities, and is without a doubt a victory for gun owners. And as if on cue, anti-gun editorialists and the mainstream media are rushing to declare the...

Windy City – A Mayor Carries on the Tradition

By Gerard Valentino It may surprise many people to learn that Chicago's nickname of "Windy City" doesn’t come from the winds that blow off Lake Michigan during the harsh winters, but rather from the windy debates that take place among the city’s political players. After the United States Supreme Court ruled that Washington D.C.'s outright gun ban was unconstitutional, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley...

Heller: A great ruling with many ramifications

By Tim Inwood On Thursday June 26th the Earth trembled. No it was not an earthquake but the collective thud of thousands of anti gun activists, fainting dead away after realizing their life’s work had just been flushed into the Potomac River. On that day the United States Supreme Court made history, they finally handed down a ruling saying the Second Amendment does indeed recognize an individual...


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