National Politics

OK: Legislation would give new support to worksite gun law

February 11, 2005 The Shawnee (OK) News Star Oklahoma lawmakers provided added support Thursday for a state law that allows workers to keep a gun in their locked vehicles at work -- a law that is being challenged in court by national employers. The House Judiciary Committee passed a measure exempting businesses from legal liability if a gun is used at a work site after its author, Rep. Greg Piatt...

CBS Evening News: Showdown Over Guns At Work

From a newsroom which has become infamous for left-wing hackjob reporting (the fraudulent Rathergate memos being Exhibit #1) comes a surprisingly balanced look at the battle over parking lot bans in America, and how one man's life has been affected by a business who denies its employees their Constitutional rights. When gun and corporate cultures clashed in southeast Oklahoma, Jimmy Wyatt got...

Op-Ed writers too optimistic?: ''The last nail in gun control''

As you read this commentary, there are several things to keep in mind: Nothing in the past has stopped people like John Kerry from reversing course on "firmly held" positions when it was deemed politically necessary. Furthermore, there are already signs U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) is bucking his moderate reputation in order to please the fringe left of his party. Bearing...

You would NOT have been reading after a Kerry Inauguration

Bush Lawyers Target Gun Control's Legal Rationale January 7, 2005 The Wall Street Journal Readying for a constitutional showdown over gun control, the Bush administration has issued a 109-page memorandum aiming to prove that the Second Amendment grants individuals nearly unrestricted access to firearms. The memorandum, requested by Attorney General John Ashcroft, was completed in August but made...

GALLUP: Average American has 1.7 guns in his/her household

January 04, 2005 Editor & Publisher Press Image of Gun Owner Not Far Off, Except for All Those Women A Gallup Poll released this morning reveals that the average American owns 1.7 guns, with the average gun owner possessing 4.4 of them. The press is quick to promote stereotypes of the average gun owner as a white male, most likely Republican, living in a rural area or the South. But how well...

Another Clinton-era try to prove ''more guns = more crime'' goes down in flames

Last year, the Centers for Disease Control released results of a sweeping federal review (started during the Clinton-era) of the nation's gun control laws - including mandatory waiting periods and bans on certain weapons. The task force reviewed 51 published studies about the effectiveness of eight types of gun- control laws. The laws included bans on specific firearms or ammunition, measures...

Op-ed: The False Hope of Gun-Free Zones

By Gerard Valentino Commentary December 16, 2004 Few people remember the school shooting in Pearl, Mississippi that took place in October 1997. Fewer people remember how it ended. This episode came to a close when Pearl High School Assistant Principal Joel Myrick sprinted a quarter mile to retrieve a personal handgun from his car and confronted the shooter who was unwilling to...

Op-Ed: Justice Dept. Study Shows 79% of Criminals Obtained Firearms Illegally

By Jim Kouri, Certified Protection Professional Dec 1, 2004 Ninety-five percent of US police commanders and sheriffs believe most criminals obtain their firearms from illegal sources, according to a survey released by the National Association of Chiefs of Police. Coincidentally, data released by the US Department of Justice appears to confirm this claim by our nation's police...


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