National Politics

1789: George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful...

Op-Ed: This isn't Dan Rather's first time in hot water

Some hunters may well cringe while recalling when the broadcast journalist hosted the 1975 CBS special titled "Guns of Autumn" By Ron Schara Dan Rather's fall from journalistic grace happened — for some of us — a long time ago. The evening of Sept. 5, 1975, to be exact. On that night, a much younger and very dashing Dan Rather was the host of a CBS special titled "Guns of Autumn...

Dr. Condoleeza Rice speaks out on gun control

In a November 17, 2004 story published in her home state of Alabama , Dr. Condoleeza Rice, current National Security Advisor and recently-nominated Secretary of State, spoke out on how growing up in a segregated South formed her views on many issues, including gun control: Rice, 50, head of the National Security Council, was raised in Birmingham by parents who believed strongly in religion and...

Paper: ''Gun control a loser in election''

This must be a result of that "lack of mandate" the Brady Campaign is talking about... November 15, 2004 Connecticut Post Online Assault weapons ban renewal unlikely in Congress Gun-control advocates lost ground in the 2004 elections, ending any shot that Congress will renew a federal ban on assault weapons in the next two years. "My general reading is that neither side wants it to come up," said...

Letter to the Editor: Cooked goose

November 7, 2004 Toledo Blade No shot in the dark As a conservative Ohio Buckeye, I'm happy to say that John Kerry may have shot our goose, but we cooked his! Jim Kimble Holland Click on the "Read More..." link below for another letter, describing how the Bush administration is achieving success at prosecuting gun crimes, and how worthless Kerryites' proposals would be. November 6, 2004 Columbus...

Group to Push For National Concealed Carry, More

November 04, 2004 A Second Amendment group, relieved to have a stronger pro-gun majority on Capitol Hill and a gun-friendly president in the White House, says it will now press for an expansion of the nation's armed pilots program. The real work begins now," the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said in a press release congratulating gun owners who turned...

Once again, Democrats underestimated gun owner vote

By Alan Gottlieb and Joe Waldron Democrats didn't get it and the media still doesn't. A record turnout of gun owners has once again helped shape the political landscape, this time around not only retaining control of the White House, but also reinforcing the strength of the Republican majority in both houses of Congress. Firearms owners, including millions of hunters, were far quicker to see...

Limbaugh: What's at Stake in This Election

November 1, 2004 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT Ladies and gentlemen, I have avoided throughout the whole year declaring this the most important election in our history. I mean, we've had crucial elections before during the Civil War, during World Wars. We had numerous crucial elections during the Cold War, and we've had a divided electorate before. This isn't the first time that we have...


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