National Politics

Get the word out: Support Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate

by Jim Irvine Months ago, Josh Mandel (R) was considered an unlikely candidate to help the GOP gain a majority in the U.S. Senate. Many considered his opponent Sherrod Brown (D), who is closely tied to the unpopular Obama policies, unbeatable. Not anymore. A year ago Public Policy Polling noted that Brown had a 48-33 lead over Mandel, and that Mandel was up from only 31%. Overcoming a 15-17 point...

FLASH: Obama vows new push to ban semi-automatic rifles in a second term; Romney challenges President over "Fast & Furious"

[ Editor's Note: This article has been updated. ] by Chad D. Baus In his second debate with Governor Mitt Romney on Tuesday Oct. 16, President Barack Obama pledged to renew his push to ban certain semi-automatic sporting rifles, should he win a second term. The discussion on the two candidates' positions on the Second Amendment followed for several minutes, and Mitt Romney raised the issue of the...

September sees 14.7% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 28th straight month over month increase

The September 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,007,259 is an increase of 14.7 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 878,345 in September 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted September 2012 NICS figure of 1,450,737 reflects a 16.6 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,244,604 in September 2011. This marks the 28th...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. leaders attend Sportsmen for Romney/Ryan Rally in Cincinnati

Josh Romney addresses Sportsmen for Romney/Ryan by Larry S. Moore Sportsmen for Romney/Ryan gathered at the Bass Pro Store at the Forest Park Shopping Center to show support for the Republican ticket in November. They heard from quite a group of sportsmen. National television show host and former CEO of the NWTF, Rob Keck, served as the emcee. Chris Cox, Executive Director of the NRA/ILA took the...

NRA-PVF: "Defend Freedom, Boot Brown"

The NRA-PVF is working hard to educate voters on Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown in advance of the Nov. 6 election. Ask Sherrod Brown: Why Does He Oppose Your Freedoms? Sure, Sherrod Brown may say he supports your Second Amendment rights. But don't be fooled. Sherrod Brown can't be trusted to protect our rights and freedoms. Judge Sherrod Brown based on his record. And the record is clear. Sherrod...

UN Arms Trade Treaty Lives

by Alan Korwin The lamestream media told you: The UN Arms Trade Treaty ended in failure, as the parties could not reach agreement before their self-imposed deadline. A dull sentiment of remorse fell over the conference as high hopes for an agreement ended dashed. Both Hillary and Barack withdrew their support in the eleventh hour when it became apparent the agreement would not be finalized. The...

In 2008, Obama won Ohio and won the Presidency. Don't let it happen in 2012. Here are 3 ways you can help ...

Ohio is a swing state. In fact, based on past elections, it may be THE swing state. The candidate who wins Ohio will probably become the next President of the United States. Ohio fell to Obama in the last election. If Ohio goes to Obama again this year, he will have 4 years to appoint anti-gun judges ... 4 years to begin openly pushing anti-gun legislation ... 4 years to pursue his true position...

One month out – U.S. Senate still up for grabs

By Jim Irvine In June I wrote an article detailing the importance of control of the U.S. Senate, especially if President Obama is re-elected. With a month till the November elections it is time to take a look to see how some critical U.S. Senate races are shaping up. The U.S. Senate is critical because this is the body that approves or rejects treaties and judicial appointments. While the make-up...


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