National Politics

Dear Editor: What happened to waiting periods for guns?

An open letter to America's news media From: Alan Korwin, The Uninvited Ombudsman, Re: The Batman Movie Massacre, Our Forgotten Waiting Periods, The Need for "Gun-Control", Counseling, Banning the Glock, Really Small Bullets, Copycat Heroes, Media Culpability for Massacres. Dear Media Colleagues, Guns can't seem to keep themselves out of the limelight. Urban shootings, outside the...

Dept. of Homeland Security funds video on surviving a spree killing; Accurately depicts armed attacker passing "no-guns" sign

by Chad D. Baus A video recently published on YouTube by the City of Houston, and reportedly funded by the Department of Homeland Security , may have accidentally brought the reality of where spree killings typically take place to a whole new level of national awareness. The video, entitled "RUN, HIDE, FIGHT. Surviving an Active Shooter Event," is designed to provide tips on how persons involved...

NSSF Salutes USA Shooting Team and Medalists in National Ad

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- USA Shooting Team members have stood on the Olympic medal stand, appeared on the NBC Today Show and made millions of target shooters proud with their medal-winning performances at the Summer Olympic Games. As a major sponsor of USA Shooting, the National Shooting Sports Foundation doesn't want the cheering to stop. So [on Wednesday, August 22] NSSF [ran] a full page, four-color...

The Government is Ordering Millions of Bullets…Should I Be Worried?

by Greg Ellifritz I’ve been contacted by several friends recently about the Federal Government’s ammunition purchases. Apparently, the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security has ordered 750 million handgun, rifle, and shotgun rounds (in addition to the 450 million purchased earlier this year). You can read the actual request for proposal HERE . My friends are concerned that this signifies that the...

Mexican Drug Cartel Used "Fast and Furious" Gun in Failed Assassination Plot

Just when you think the news about the disastrous "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation can't possibly get any worse, a U.S. government report has disclosed that Mexican drug cartel operatives used a firearm from the infamous scheme in a failed attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official. According to a recent Daily Caller article, the gun "was seized in Tijuana in...

Headline: House GOP sues Holder over 'Fast and Furious' documents

USA Today is reporting that the House of Representatives went to court this week, seeking to force Attorney General Eric Holder to release documents related to the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation - a program which led to the deaths of hundreds of Mexican nationals and at least one U.S. Border Patrol agent. From the article : "By stonewalling Congress and ignoring a contempt order, the...

July sees 25.5% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 26th straight month over month increase

The July 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 853,355 is an increase of 25.5 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 680,258 in July 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted July 2012 NICS figure of 1,289,585 reflects an 12.4 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,147,355 in July 2011. This marks the 26th straight month that NSSF-...

Kasich and Romney school media: Gun bans don't work

by Chad D. Baus Both Governor John Kasich and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are rejecting gun ban extremists' recent calls for new legislation in the wake of two multiple victim public shootings in "no-gun" zones. Kasich is proving that his words spoken during the 2010 campaign, when he admitted he was "wrong" about his reasons for voting for the 1994 federal Clinton Gun Ban,...


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