Ohio Legislation

The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 1: "Restaurant Carry & Bartenders"

by Ken Hanson, Esq. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bills pending in the Ohio General Assembly. The malice is coming from the interest...

The very latest on the status of HB45/SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) & HB54/SB61 (Restoration of Rights)

By Jim Irvine We have received many emails regarding the status of concealed carry reform bills in Ohio. While HB45/SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix legislation) and HB54/SB61 (Restoration of Rights) have all passed their respective chambers, House and Senate, they are not headed to Governor Kasich - yet. None of the bills have been signed into law and no changes are in effect for Ohio...

Michigan Walgreens fires armed worker for "doing the right thing"

The Herald Palladium of southwest Michigan is reporting that a Benton Township, MI Walgreens has fired an employee who is being credited for saving the lives of several co-workers. From the article : A photograph of four children tucked in a thank-you card from a coworker reminds Jeremy Hoven he did the right thing. But doing "the right thing" cost the night shift pharmacist his job at the...

Guest editorials offer island of truth in a sea of misinformation and lies about Ohio Restaurant Carry legislation

by Jim Irvine & Chad D. Baus After the Ohio Senate passed its version of Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix legislation, SB17, Ohio's newspapers quickly carpet-bombed their readers with slanted, misleading and out-right false articles and editorials about the issue. ("The sky is falling!") Despite their efforts, the Ohio House passed its own version of the important legislation, HB45. The...

FLASH: House Speaker says SB17 (Restaurant/Car Carry Rules Fix) will move in the House before summer recess, be sent to governor

Three weeks after his chamber passed its version of Restaurant & Carry Carry Rules Fix legislation, Speaker William Batchelder (R-Medina) is saying that his chamber plans to move the Senate's version (SB17) this month, before the General Assembly breaks for the summer. From the Dayton Daily News : The constitution requires Kasich and the lawmakers to agree on a balanced budget by June 30, but...

How They See Us: Ohio's police lobbying organizations vs. the law-abiding gun owner

by Gerard Valentino The Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio, Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) and other police lobbying organizations continue to protest every pro-gun bill introduced in Ohio. Their record includes opposition to legal concealed carry, Castle Doctrine, concealed carry in cars, and now they are opposing legal carry in restaurants. As each pro-gun reform was introduced,...

Blackwell may seek GOP nomination for U.S. Senate, challenge anti-gun Sen. Sherrod Brown

by Chad D. Baus In April we reported that two former BFA endorsees, Ohio Treasurer of State Josh Mandel (R) and Former state Sen. Kevin Coughlin (R) are leaning toward a run for the U.S. Senate in 2012. We are now pleased to report that another former BFA endorsee is also considering a primary run. The Dayton Daily News notes that Ken Blackwell, the 2006 Republican candidate for governor who lost...

Restoration of Rights bill (SB61) scheduled for sponsor testimony in House committee

[UPDATE May 23, 2011 - Chairman Mecklenborg has removed this bill (and one other) from the meeting agenda due to time contraints related to the volume of testimony scheduled to be given on another bill the committee is considering.] On Tuesday, May 24, the House Committee on State Government and Elections, which is chaired by BFA "A" -rated Rep. Bob Mecklenborg, will hear sponsor testimony on Sen...


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