Ohio Legislation

HB263: New bill bans private gun show sales and creates gun registry

by Chad D. Baus "So what's to guarantee me that, you know, any one of the members in this chamber who hold a concealed carry wouldn't shoot me in the head?" - Representative Tracy Maxwell Heard in floor debate over HB45, May 11, 2001 With that one ignorant statement, Rep. Tracy Heard (D-26) apparently proved to the radical gun ban lobby that she was the perfect choice to carry water for proposed...

Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix (SB17) and Restoration of Rights (HB54) pass House & Senate committees; Floor votes pending

Two pro-gun bills, one of which would make critical improvements to Ohio's concealed carry laws, have been passed by House and Senate committees. The House Committee on State Government and Elections, which is chaired by BFA "A" -rated Rep. Bob Mecklenborg, passed SB17 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) with a 12 - 10 vote mostly party line vote (the only Republican to join the Democrats in...

Bartenders' irrational fear of Ohio's law-abiding gun owners is sickening

by Brent Greer The Ohio General Assembly, in the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives, have passed two different bills that -- essentially -- allow the carry of concealed firearms into restaurants and certain establishments that serve alcohol. Of course, the usual suspects are waving their arms in their best Chicken Little fashion and predicting all sorts of rapturish, end-of-the-world...

House Speaker says SB17 (Restaurant/Car Carry Rules Fix) should get a vote in the House this week, be sent to governor

True to his word offered on June 2, when he promised Restaurant & Carry Carry Rules Fix legislation would receive a final vote before his chamber breaks for the summer, Speaker William Batchelder (R-Medina) is saying that his chamber plans to move the Senate's version (SB17) as early as this Wednesday, June 15. From the Dayton Daily News : Legislation to permit concealed carry permit holders...

The Idiot Chronicles, Volume 2 : Your Elected Representative Michael Foley

by Ken Hanson, Esq. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." While there is no definitive source for this quote (conflicting sources have it going all the way back to Napoleon), it clearly encompasses two things that are happening in the media coverage of the two Restaurant Carry bill spending in the Ohio General Assembly. The malice is coming from those opposing...

Op-ed: "Guns in restaurants – another viewpoint"

[ Editor's Note: The following op-ed was published in the Greene County Dailies (Xenia Gazette, Fairborn Herald and Beavercreek News). ] by Larry S. Moore The liberal mainstream media has mounted a full court press against HB45 and SB17, which will allow guns into venues that serve alcohol. Smaller media outlets, such as the Greene County Dailies, either willingly help their agenda by reprinting...

Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix bill (SB17) scheduled for possible vote in House committee

The House Committee on State Government and Elections, which is chaired by BFA "A" -rated Rep. Bob Mecklenborg, has scheduled a hearing on Tuesday, June 14 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 116. The committee, which has previously passed Reps. Danny Bubp's (R) and Terry Johnson's (R) HB45 on a 12-10 vote, will hear testimony on a nearly identical bill - SB17 - before a possible vote. Sponsored by Senator Tim...

Restoration of Rights bill (HB54) scheduled for possible vote in Senate committee

The Senate Judiciary on Criminal Justice Committee, which is chaired by BFA "A+" -rated Sen. Tim Grendell (R), has scheduled a hearing on Tuesday, June 14 at 4:00 PM in the Senate Building's North Hearing Room. The committee, which has previously passed Sen. Jason Wilson's (D) SB61 by a 8 - 1 vote, will hear testimony on an identical bill which has already passed in the House - HB54 - before a...


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