Ohio Legislation

Editorials opposing restaurant carry expose coordinated anti-gun bias

by Gerard Valentino By running nearly identical anti-gun editorials on the same day, The Columbus Dispatch and The Toledo Blade have finally given up their longtime charade that coverage of the gun issue is unbiased and independent. The Dayton Daily News joined the party about a week later by running an equally one-sided editorial that relied on similar mistruths, misquotes and outright...

Gavel still has not fallen on 128th General Assembly: Pro-gun bills' fate still not sealed

The Ohio House of Representatives adjourned yesterday without holding a voting session, but Speaker Armond Budish has still not declared the 128th session of the Ohio House of Representatives to be officially over. Until and unless that happens, there is still a chance that two pro-gun bills, SB239 and SB247, could receive a vote. Yesterday, the House adjourned "until Tuesday, December 21, 2010...

Cuyahoga County Court Recognizes Gun Rights

by Ken Hanson In what may be a sign that the world as we know it is coming to an end, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge Brian J. Corrigan this week ruled that Ohio's firearm disability for misdemeanor drug convictions is unconstitutional ( State of Ohio v. Marinko Tomas ). In a simple, 3.5 page opinion, Judge Corrigan ruled that denying someone the right to defend their home and business...

House passes motions to discharge; Media coverage of historic discharge petitions show work still needs to be done

by Chad D. Baus The Ohio House passed Rep. Bubp's motions to discharge SB239 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and SB247 (Restoration of Rights) today by 57-39 margins, proving that these bills have large bi-partisan support, and deserve to be given votes in an as-yet-to-be scheduled session. The Ohio media are swinging into action to cover the latest efforts to get SB239 and SB247 the floor...

One step closer: Discharge petitions receive required number of signatures; Continued calls needed

For weeks, we have been asking you to contact your Representatives asking for support for SB239 and SB247. Your calls have made a difference - first, when sessions were scheduled in the House, and now, because Rep. Danny Bubp has confirmed that he witnessed 50 signatures for the discharge petitions on these bills, and that the petitions have been filed! We now move to the final step and time is...

Restoration of Rights: A case study on why the Ohio House should hold a vote and pass SB247 this week

by J.A.W. There are decisions we face as humans that can and will define our lives. For me, that decision took place in March of 1999. I allowed another person to talk me into signing for a package of marijuana delivered to my apartment. Now, I knew exactly what was going to be in the package, and I also knew that it was against the law. For reasons that still to this day I do not understand, I...

The following legislators need to hear from you TODAY re: Restaurant/ Car Carry fixes and Restoration of Rights

The following Representatives have been contacted by Buckeye Firearms Association, but we have not received confirmation that they fully support SB239 and SB247 or the process to bring those bills for a full vote. We encourage you to contact them TODAY to politely ask for their support on the discharge petitions that will be signed tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. in Rep. Danny Bubp's office. [UPDATED at...


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