Ohio Legislation

Gov. Strickland calls for passage of restaurant carry in campaign letter; Contrasts record with his Republican opponent

by Chad D. Baus Governor Ted Strickland, in a letter mailed today on Sportsmen for Strickland letterhead, said "I look forward to signing Restaurant Carry legislation." The letter, addressed to "Ohio Gun Owners," documents the progress the administration has made for gun owners over the past three and a half years. Working with you, we have made great strides to defend freedom. My commitment to...

The importance of elected officials on full display during opponent testimony to SB239 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix)

by Ken Hanson Esq. Regular readers of our website are familiar with the refrain "elections matter." Buckeye Firearms Association feels that elections are the most important component of firearm rights: without pro-gun legislators, prosecutors, judges and law enforcement, your fundamental right to own firearms and your fundamental right to self-defense are in constant peril. To give the reader an...

Columbus Dispatch article on growing popularity of non-resident concealed carry licenses exposes need for national reciprocity

by Chad D. Baus Early last year Dayton Daily News reporter Laura Bischoff wrote an article about Ohio residents who chose to obtain a non-resident, or out-of-state, concealed carry license from Utah. In the article, Bischoff echoed the assertions of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence's Toby Hoover, who suggested that the reason people obtain these licenses is to avoid Ohio's training...

Representative Uecker introduces HB571: Parking Lot Ban Exemption

Representative Joe Uecker (R-66) has introduced House Bill 571 , which seeks to "permit a concealed carry licensee who is an employee of a private employer to store the employee's handgun in a locked motor vehicle parked on premises owned or leased by the employer." What follows is the pertinent language from the bill, with the proposed language underlined:

BFA endorsee circulating letter requesting co-sponsors for "Parking Lot Firearm Legislation"

State Representative Joe Uecker (R-66), a multiple-time past and present endorsee of Buckeye Firearms Association, is circulating a letter inviting colleagues to sign on as co-sponsors to a bill that would seek to "permit a concealed carry licensee who is an employee of a private employer to store the employee's handgun in a locked motor vehicle while parked on premises owned or leased by the...

State Supreme Court to hear preemption case October 12

Earlier this month, the Ohio Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments for an important gun rights case, City of Cleveland v. State of Ohio , on October 12, 2010. The case came about after the Ohio General Assembly voted to override Governor Bob Taft's veto of HB347 - Ohio's "preemption" law - which codified R.C. 9.68, ensuring that firearms laws would be uniform throughout the...

Ohio Restaurant Association continues opposition to SB239

Editor's Note: On June 16, Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader published an open letter to the Ohio Restaurant Association and its members. Following is a response from the Association, and follow-up commentary from Mr. Moore. Dear Larry: I received your letter this morning and read it with interest. it was well-reasoned and well-written. You very effectively articulated your point of view...


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