Ohio Legislation

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus planning another national protest

The grassroots group Students for Concealed Carry on Campus has announced that they are organizing another national empty holster protest (EHP). The Spring 2008 EHP will be held from April 21st to April 25th. Campus leaders are encouraged to contact the organizers listed at http://concealedcampus.org/contact.htm about other activities to hold on their campus to make the EHP even more successful...

SB184 (Castle Doctrine): Senate Proponent/ Opponent hearing scheduled January 30

Senate Bill 184 will have a third hearing next week. The bill has been added to the Senate Judiciary on Criminal Justice Committee's agenda for January 30 at 10:00 a.m. in Senate Building, North Hearing Room. This legislation would restore the right of individuals to respond in force in defense of their lives and family without fear of civil lawsuits by criminals.

Your Ohio legislators need to hear from you

When the 127th General Assembly was sworn in at the beginning of 2007, there were high hopes among gun owners. Although Republicans lost their super-majorities in both chambers of the legislature, Ohio voters had preserved a strong pro-gun majority in the House and Senate, and for the first time in recent memory, they had elected a truly pro-gun Governor in Democrat Ted Strickland. More than half...

Concealed Handgun License renewal deadline looms for many

By Chad D. Baus Four years ago this week Ohio self-defense activists and the Buckeye State Sheriff's Association were celebrating a hard-fought gubernatorial signature on House Bill 12, Ohio's Concealed Handgun Licensure Law. Beginning just three months from now and continuing through the rest of 2008, Ohio's 88 county sheriffs and almost half of the state's 100,000 licenseholders alike may be...

Youngstown Vindicator: ''Supporters push self-defense bill''

EDITOR'S UPDATE: Our friend Brent Greer at The Ready Line blog has learned that the statement attributed to Ellen Wickham in the Youngstown Vindicator is a fabrication (see strike-through text below). Greer notes that not only did Ms. Wickham not insinuate those words, she never even spoke to the reporter, Mr. Mark Kovac. Her actual testimony is recorded on Greer's blog here . Developing.....

SB184: Castle Doctrine receives second hearing

By Linda Walker Sen. Steve Buehrer's anxiously awaited Castle Doctrine bill (SB184), introduced in June, received it's second hearing on Wednesday, December 5. This hearing was for proponent testimony only. Castle Doctrine, sometimes referred to as Stand Your Ground legislation, will protect innocent crime victims by maintaining the presumption of their innocence should they be faced with the use...

Revealed: Media planned to defy General Assembly on private records AGAIN

By Chad D. Baus It has been interesting to watch the Ohio media's reaction to Attorney General Marc Dann's issuance of an opinion reiterating that a new state law does not allow journalists to copy the confidential, non-public information of concealed handgun license (CHL) -holders by any means. Several Gannett-owned newspapers in the state, like the Mansfield News Journal and Bucyrus Telegraph...


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