Ohio Legislation

'Career criminals' case parking lots, drivers store valuables ripe for picking

By Chad D. Baus It's getting a bit confusing trying to come up with the reasons being offered for a crime wave in Cleveland. First anti-gun Mayor Frank Jackson pointed to a "drought" in the supply of powdered cocaine to his city that "could be to blame for a spike in certain violent crimes close to home". A week later, he decided to blame HB347 , a law which took effect in March, which acted to...

Cleveland Mayor's latest theory on cause of crime wave: Statewide Preemption

By Chad D. Baus The City of Cleveland is now considered to be one of the poorest and most dangerous cities in America. Cleveland’s homicide rate has been on the rise ever since drastic cuts in the police department’s manpower and programs were made. Just one week after Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson rightly theorized to the Cleveland Plain Dealer that a "drought" in the supply of powdered cocaine...

Plain Dealer offers BALANCED coverage of Castle Doctrine law introduction

It took some time (one month, to be exact), but the Cleveland Plain Dealer has finally gotten around to publishing a story on SB184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation introduced by Senator Steve Buehrer. It may be surprising for gun owners to learn that the newspaper's coverage is much more fair than the paper has developed a reputation for. From the story : Right now, Ohio law says that if you...

Rush Limbaugh praises Buckeye Firearms Assoc. response to Sandusky Register

On Friday, July 6, 2007, America's #1 talk radio host notified his national audience about the actions Buckeye Firearms Association has taken in response to the privacy-invading actions by the Sandusky Register . From the transcript, which can be viewed at RushLimbaugh.com : RUSH: A friend of mine sent me a note about a story going on in Sandusky, Ohio. It's a big issue there. A newspaper...

All Politicians are not the Same - an Interview with Governor Ted Strickland

By Gerard Valentino Buckeye Firearm’s Chairman, Jim Irvine, is fond of saying that all politicians are not the same, despite people’s belief to the contrary. As proof that not all politicians are the same, Buckeye Firearms Association has set up interviews with pro-gun legislators, and other elected officials who believe strongly in the right to bear arms. Thankfully, our current governor, Ted...

Working to help Ohioans protect themselves and their families

By State Senator Steve Buehrer Imagine it is 10 p.m. on a Tuesday night. After turning out the lights and making sure all the doors in the house are locked, you retire to your bedroom to get some sleep before having to work early the next morning. Shortly after your head hits the pillow, you begin to hear a soft tapping outside the bedroom window. Quickly, you roll over to see what’s going on,...

FLASH: SB184 assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to announce that Senator Steve Buehrer's Castle Doctrine legislation, which concerns protecting crime victims and restoring the presumption of innocence to those forced to act in self-defense, has received a committee assignment. Click here to download this important three-page bill.

Rep. Danny Bubp: Second Amendment Legislation is necessary

May 30, 2007 People's Defender By Rep. Danny Bubp It is interesting how events in our lives affect us. When I first arrived in Columbus, it was made clear to me that most legislators have strong opinions concerning Second Amendment rights. There are legislators that are pro-gun and there are those that are not. A recent confrontation has changed one legislator's anti-gun stance. Earlier this...


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