Ohio Politics

Senator Lynn Wachtmann: Portrait of a Senate Leader

In one sense, politicians' jobs are not unlike waiters, bellhops, or any other service-related occupation. They rarely hear a peep from their customers unless the service is bad. Senator Lynn Wachtmann deserves to hear from you, because his service has been so good . Click on the "Read More..." link below. align="right"> Sen. Lynn Wachtmann, a Napoleon Republican, says that throughout his...

DDN: Sounds of bickering rumble Republican paradise

By William Hershey [email protected] COLUMBUS | There’s trouble in paradise. Paradise, of course, is where you find it. Republicans have found it here in Columbus since 1994. That’s the year they took control of both Ohio House and Senate and every statewide nonjudicial office. Democrats have scrambled for crumbs since then. With all that power on their hands, Republicans have taken to...

HB12 Sponsor Jim Aslanides publishes revealing op-ed

Rep. Jim Aslanides has published an excellent opinion editorial that addresses the current status of House Bill 12, and reveals the underhanded practices which the Governor and Ohio State Highway Patrol have resorted to in order to try and deny your right to self-defense. One of his most interesting revelations is that "the Governor's office at no time provided direct input on the course of the...

How a Republican (who won't act like one) governor is stalling HB12

Or perhaps a better headline: "How Republican dominance in Columbus is actually preventing the recognition of Ohioans' right to self-defense" The Ohio House has 62 Republican members, and the Senate has 22. To override a governor's veto, only 60 votes are needed in the House, and 20 in the Senate. So why is the media reporting that the Senate's Republican leadership is allowing Bob Taft's veto-...

Who elected Paul McClellan? Who voted for John Born?

When it comes to reforming the state's concealed carry laws, the buck stops with a few unelected state employees. This according to Republican leadership in the Ohio Senate, and Gov. Bob Taft. According to media reports, Senate President Doug White has refused to appoint conferees to a committee to work out differences between the House and Senate's versions of HB12. He says the House needs to do...

Taft aides meet with lawmakers about weapons bill

The two lawmakers in charge of getting a concealed weapons bill through the Legislature met with Governor Taft's top aides to try to work out an agreement that will satisfy all sides on the matter. Representative Jim Aslanides, a Coshocton Republican who sponsored the bill, and Senator Steve Austria, a Beavercreek Republican who carried the bill in the Senate, met for about an hour with Taft's...

Hamilton Co. judge speaks out about Ohio's concealed weapons laws

A Hamilton County judge who has a history of dismissing concealed weapons charges, says he may continue dismissing the cases unless the state legislature comes up with a "reasonable" law allowing people to carry a gun for self-protection. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. Judge Robert Ruehlman told 9News exclusively Thursday that current concealed weapons proposals have too many...


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