Ohio Politics

AP: Ex-Cleveland appeals court judge named to Supreme Court

A former appellate judge defeated three years ago in one of the Ohio Supreme Court's most expensive and bitter elections was appointed to the court Monday by Gov. Bob Taft. Terrence O'Donnell, 57, a Republican, replaces Justice Deborah Cook, 51, who was confirmed last week for a seat on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. O'Donnell has worked as a visiting judge in several Ohio...

Poll: Ohioans shooting dirty looks towards Taft

Gov. Bob Taft isn't getting a lot of love right now from Ohioans. The number of voters who disapprove of the job Taft is doing reached 50 percent, a new high, according to a new Ohio Poll, sponsored by the University of Cincinnati. Negativity toward an Ohio governor hasn't been that high in almost 20 years. "I don't like what he's doing," Scott England, owner of Fort Ball Pizza Palace in Fremont...

U.S. Senate Confirms Cook Appointment

The U.S. Senate confirmed Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook Monday for the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The U.S. Appeals Court is one step below the U.S. Supreme Court and decides much of the nation's law. President Bush nominated her for the federal bench nearly two years ago but her vote has been held up by partisan battles. Cook was confirmed quickly by the Senate on a 66-to-25...

U.S. Senate schedules Monday vote on nomination of Justice Cook to Federal bench

The U.S. Senate will finally vote on the nomination of Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday. Ms. Cook's approval for that post will leave vacant a seat on the Ohio Supreme Court. Governor Bob Taft is constitutionally authorized to name a replacement. Will Taft use a litmus test for his nominee ? Will he dare overturn the publicly elected...

Is Gov. Taft signaling retreat on CCW?

As we've been reporting since early March, Governor Taft and legislators have been at odds almost since the first gavel was struck in the 125th General Assembly. Significant events are occurring in the media and at the Statehouse, which may be playing together to force Gov. Taft into full retreat on his opposition to concealed carry reform. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. The...

Cincy Post: City is dropping handgun lawsuit

After a four-year long legal battle, the city of Cincinnati is dropping its lawsuit against handgun manufacturers. Noted product liability attorney Stanley Chesley, who is representing the city, told local officials Tuesday that he recommended withdrawing the lawsuit because the political climate has changed dramatically since the case was filed in 1999. A bill pending before Congress that would...

John Lott book signing in Cincinnati this week!

Dr. John R. Lott Jr. will be making a public appearance in Cincinnati this week to promote his newly released book, The Bias Against Guns . YOUR APPEARANCE IS REQUESTED! Dr. Lott will be speaking, taking questions, and signing books on May 1 at 7:30 p.m. Location as follows: Borders Books 4530 Eastgate Blvd. Cincinnati, OH (513) 943-0068 Lott is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise...

Dereliction of duty: Time is now for Ohio's Republican leadership to act

Under the control of Gov. Taft, Ohio continues to fall farther and farther behind the rational majority of states in our country. In the past few weeks, three more governors (two Republicans, one Democrat) have signed shall-issue concealed carry reform bills into law - in Colorado, Minnesota and New Mexico. Kansas, Missouri & Nebraska legislatures are also promising passage of these reforms...


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