Ohio Politics

USSA/BFA 2008 Candidates Reception a complete success

By Linda Walker Recently, Buckeye Firearms Association had the privilege to co-sponsor a Candidates Reception with the US Sportsman Alliance (USSA). This is the third year that Buckeye Firearms has played a major role in this worthy event. This was the first year that the Ohio Republican and Democrat parties also joined as co-sponsors of the event, amongst other organizations. Candidates,...

Assailant stabs man in face, kills dog in Toledo Metropark...and Justice Paul Pfeifer says this never happens

"What's the need to be packing in a public park? What's the compelling need?" - Republican Ohio Supreme Court Justice Paul Pfeifer, April 9, 2008 By Chad D. Baus During oral arguments last month on a case challenging the City of Clyde's ban on concealed carry in its public parks, Republican Paul Pfeifer proved himself dangerously out of touch. Pfeifer remarked that he just couldn't understand why...

DDN story on Attorney General's armed driver exposes need to eliminate no-guns zones

By Chad D. Baus The Dayton Daily News reported over the weekend that Attorney General Marc Dann authorized his driver, a concealed handgun license (CHL)-holder, to carry his firearm at all times as part of his job duties. Dann's driver, who the DDN reports obtained his CHL in January, immediately began running into a problem that faces every single one of the more than 100,000 Ohio CHL-holders on...

Sportsmen are Encouraged to Attend Reception to Visit and Discuss Issues

(Columbus, Ohio) - You are invited to join the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance at the 2008 Candidates Reception on April 15. The event provides an opportunity for the Ohio sportsmen’s community to meet with state and federal legislative candidates, rub elbows and voice their concerns. The reception will be April 15 at the Athletic Club of Columbus from 5:30 to 7:30 PM and all are welcome to attend. The...

Supreme Court hears oral arguments on guns in parks

Oral arguments were held today in the case of Ohioans for Concealed Carry Inc. et. al v. City of Clyde et. al. [Case No. 07-0960]. The proceedings lasted for just under one hour. Click here to watch a video archive of the hearing (RealPlayer required). Excerpts of and links to media coverage of the proceedings will be added here as they are published.

SB184: Castle Doctrine scheduled for another Senate committee hearing

Senate Bill 184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill, has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for Wednesday, April 2 at 10:00 a.m. in the Senate Building's North Hearing Room. This will be the fourth hearing of the bill by this committee. For more information on Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation, see: Buckeye Firearms Association Endorses HB264/SB184; Castle...

Sportsmen and Candidates Will Get an Opportunity to Visit and Discuss Issues at Candidates Reception

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – Leaders from the Ohio sportsmen’s community will be meeting with state and federal legislative candidates next month, rubbing elbows and voicing their concerns at the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance 2008 Candidates Reception. Most notably this year, the event is being sponsored and co-hosted by the Ohio Republican Party and the Ohio Democratic Party. Leaders from both organizations...

Legislators fail the Second Amendment when gun owners fail first

By Gerard Valentino There can be little doubt that gun control debate in the United States is far from over. Even with Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refusing to admit their continued willingness to kneel at the altar of gun control, there can be little doubt they will work to disarm honest Americans if elected. Everyone who takes the time to objectively investigate the gun control issue...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.