Ohio Politics

League of Ohio Sportsmen Celebrate 100 Years of Conservation

The League of Ohio Sportsmen will celebrate its 100th Anniversary with a Centennial Convention to be held February 15-17, 2008 in Columbus. The League was founded in 1908 by a coalition of Ohio sportsmen who were concerned with the plight of the state’s fish, wildlife and other natural resources. In 1908 there were no deer or wild turkeys in Ohio. Fish populations in the state’s streams and...

Governor Strickland and First Lady Host Sportsmen Reception at Gov’s Mansion

By Larry S. Moore "Governor Ted and First Lady Frances Strickland Host Sportsmen Reception at the Governor’s Mansion" Or as I might prefer to say, "the real 4x4 trucks invaded Bexley”. However you say it, I was very fortunate to receive an invitation. This is the first time that I am aware there has been a sportsmen reception at the Governor’s Mansion. Sportsmen are fortunate to have a Governor...

Ohio's ban on defending lives in places of worship: How did it get this bad?

By Chad D. Baus In Colorado, an armed citizen who volunteers to provide security at her church is being hailed as a "hero" after stopping a man who went on a killing spree Sunday. From CNSNews.com : "She probably saved over 100 lives," Brady Boyd, the pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, said on Monday. The female guard, a church member dressed in plain clothes, killed the gunman...

Attny. Gen. Dann - Conceal Carry Names Limited to Reporters' ''Mental Processes'

November 13, 2007 Hannah Report The Strickland administration and the AG's office have gone on record in response to new questions over media access to names of conceal carry permit holders. Little more than a month after relevant provisions of 126-HB9 (Oelslager) went into effect, Attorney General Marc Dann issued an opinion Tuesday clarifying that journalists cannot photo-copy, photograph,...

Taking back their party

Editors note: Buckeye Firearms is a non-partisan PAC focused on the sole issue of firearms rights. We are aware that most people have many issues that are important to them. The same political principles that apply to firearms, apply to other issues of importance, and the lessons apply equally to both political parties and all Ohio counties. We urge you to contact your local party and get...

Pro-gunner appointed to replace Seitz in state's 30th House District

Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to report that Bob Mecklenborg has been appointed to serve in the Ohio House of Representatives for Ohio's 30th House District. He is to replace long time Representative Bill Seitz, who is moving on to the Ohio Senate. Representative-to-be Mecklenborg is well known to Buckeye Firearms Association's South West Ohio Leadership. Region Leader Collin Rink said...

Several previous Buckeye Firearms Assoc. endorsees consider run for Congress

The Toledo Blade is reporting that a special election will be held on December 11 in Ohio's 5th Congressional district so that northest Ohio voters may chose a replacement for the recently-deceased Rep. Paul Gillmore. Perhaps more interesting will be the primary, scheduled to coincide with the statewide general election on November 6. According to the Blade, several proven pro-gun state...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.