
Self Defense Bill of Rights Part II

When did running away become a good idea? By Ken Hanson In Part One of my article on the Stand Your Ground laws being introduced across the country, I examined the most important part of these bills – returning the presumption of innocence to those who act in self-defense. If you did not read that article, it is highly suggested you go back and read it , as this article builds upon the prior...

An Evening at the Shooting Range with Jim Petro and Joy Padgett

Claire Marvin, Owner of NASR, and Rep. Jim Aslanides invite you to an event supporting Attorney General Jim Petro, Candidate for Governor Along with State Senator Joy Padgett, Candidate for Lt. Governor Wednesday, April 12th 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The New Albany Shooting Range 10299 Johnstown Road New Albany, Ohio $25 per person Please make checks payable to "Petro for Governor", and send to: NASR...

FEC to leave alone Web political speech

March 28, 2006 Washington Times The Federal Election Commission voted 6-0 yesterday morning in favor of campaign-finance rules that will leave political speech on the Internet mostly unregulated. "It didn't take long to reach a decision," said FEC spokesman Ian Stirton. "All six members voted in favor." The rules approved by the FEC will give Web sites, blogs and e-mails the same exemption that...

Legislative hearings held on two pro-gun bills this week

Hearings were held this week on two bills Buckeye Firearms is watching. Tuesday, HB541 had sponsor testimony in the House Criminal Justice Committee. This bill is often referred to as “Castle Doctrine” legislation, but is also known by “Stand your Ground”, “Victim Bill of Rights” and several other names. Its primary sponsor is Representative Steve Buehrer (R-74) Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary...

Op-Ed: Protecting gun rights vital to Alaskans

March 28, 2006 By Vic Kohring Twenty-Five years ago, on March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot by a confused young man attempting to impress actress Jody Foster. Why murdering a president would impress Foster is one question apparently John Hinckley never asked himself. But Reagan not only forgave Hinckley, he never once brought up the issue of gun control. To we Alaskans, gun control...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are worthy of mention. What follows is our weekly review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From turkey hunting to primary candidates, these articles should be a part of your required reading! Click on the "Read More..." link...

Sandy O'Brien for Treasurer

By Jim Irvine In the Republican primary battle for Treasurer for the State of Ohio, voters have a choice between Buckeye Firearms endorsee Sandy O'Brien and Governor Taft's previous running mate, Jennette Bradley. While Jennette's association with Taft would be reason enough for many to vote for anyone else, the fact is that O'Brien is a great choice no matter who she is compared with. According...

Fulton County Action Needed

YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED Support Tim Grendell for Attorney General The Fulton County Republican party will be meeting to endorse TONIGHT at 6:30 pm. It is critical for any supporters who live and vote in Fulton county to immediately contact their county committee person. Gun owners need to tell the committee members that A strong support of firearms rights and the Ohio constitution is what...

Sporting Conservation Council appointed to advise the Dept of the Interior

March 23, 2006 For Immediate Release Norton Names 12 To New Sporting Conservation Council; Will Advise Interior On Hunting, Wildlife Resource Issues (COLUMBUS, Ohio) -- Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton today announced the creation of a new Sporting Conservation Council that will advise the Department of the Interior on resource conservation issues of interest to the hunting community. Norton...

Democrat for Ohio Governor speaks out on guns

Two Ohio newspapers have recently featured "Q&A"-style interviews with front-running Democrat gubernatorial candidate Ted Strickland. Click on the "Read More..." link below for excerpts that include Strickland's comments on firearms-related subjects. From Columbus' The Other Paper : The Ohio House has passed a bill that would nullify the assault- weapons ban approved by Columbus City Council...

Indiana governor signs legislation expanding right to protect life, home

By Larry S. Moore The Louisville (KY) Courier-Journal is reporting that Gov. Mitch Daniels has signed into law a bill specifying that a person who feels threatened may use deadly force against an intruder. From the story: House Bill 1028 says that people have no duty to retreat -- or try to escape -- if they believe they are being threatened on their property or in their vehicle. "I'm very...

Register to Vote

May 2 is Ohio’s primary election day. You must be registered by April 3 (next Monday) to vote in this election. If you have moved recently, or not voted in several years, you need to make sure you are properly registered. Anyone who will turn 18 on or before November 7 of this year is old enough to register and vote in the May 2 primary. Click here for more information on where and how to...

How elections matter

By Jim Irvine Every year we hear how important elections are, and in spite of all the hype, the truth is that every election is important. In November, you are sure to hear someone say, “Why don’t we have a good candidate to choose from?” I’ll tell you why; because they didn’t show up to elect the good candidate in the primary. Ohio’s primary election is May 2 and Republican and Democratic...

Fulton County & NW OH ACTION ALERT

YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED Support Tim Grendell for Attorney General Gun Rights supporters in Ohio - we need your help again. The Fulton County Republican Committee will be endorsing for the May primary this Tuesday. Grassroot efforts have already helped Senator Grendell obtain endorsements from Miami, Clermont, Knox and Geauga County Republican Parties and we must keep this momentum going...

Two gun bills have hearings scheduled next week

Castle Doctrine/ Stand Your Ground House Bill 541 has been added to the House Criminal Justice Committee's agenda for sponsor testimony on March 28 at 2:30 p.m. in the Statehouse Hearing Room 121. The purpose for Tuesday's hearing is so that the committee may hear testimony on HB541 from the legislation's sponsor, Rep. Steve Buehrer. For more information on HB541, see: Ohio considers measure to...

Op-Ed: Why were guns taken from law-abiding citizens in New Orleans?

By John R. Lott Jr. at Also published Tuesday, March 21, 2006, in National Review Online. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans’ residents got an idea of what life is like without the rule of law. They had no telephones, no way to call 911. Even if they had, the police who reported for duty were busy with rescue missions, not fighting crime. Citizens had to protect...

Pro-Gun Punditry: Wednesday's Buckeye State Roundabout

There are more stories pertaining to our gun rights in Ohio then we can possibly draw attention to with individual daily commentary. But they are worthy of mention. What follows is our weekly review of headlines from around the state though a pro-gun rights lens. From hunter education in school to protecting Junkyard License information, these articles should be a part of your required reading!...

The Devil is in the Details - Sportsmen Beware of TEL

By Larry S. Moore Ottawa County's, The Beacon ran a very informative op-ed piece March 9th entitled href="" target="_blank">"Outdoor Sports Lovers Beware". This is just the start of in depth analysis of the proposed TEL (Tax and Expenditure Limitation) constitutional ammendment being considered this year by Ohio'...

Ohio Pro-Gun Republican, Where Art Thou?

By Gerard Valentino (This commentary has also been published at ) At both the federal and state level, Ohio's Republican political machine not only churns out winning candidates, but they inexplicably do so while pursuing an openly anti-gun agenda. Both United States Senators from Ohio, Mike DeWine and George Voinovich, supported a renewal of the Clinton assault weapons ban. DeWine...

Statewide and Hamilton County ACTION ALERT

YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED Support Tim Grendell for Attorney General Gun Rights supporters in Ohio we need your help again. The State and Hamilton County Republican Committees will be endorsing for the May primary this Friday. Grassroot efforts have already helped Senator Grendell obtain endorsements from Miami, Clermont, Knox and Geauga County Republican Parties and we must keep this...

Ohio University Sportsmen/2nd Amendment Club host Ken Hanson & Larry Moore

Buckeye Firearms Association is proud to announce an opportunity to hear Attorney Ken Hanson, along with outdoor writer and leading sportsmen/Second Amendment advocate Larry Moore. They will appear as the guest speakers at the upcoming Ohio University Sportsmen/2nd Amendment Club meeting in Athens, Ohio on April 1. “Ken Hanson is an NRA instructor and competitive shooter. In addition to his...

15 Ways To Fight For Our Second Amendment Rights

By Chris Chumita The fight to keep our Second Amendment rights has had some impressive victories lately. In the past few years, we have seen more states begin to allow citizens to carry concealed firearms, the repeal of the “Clinton Assault Rifle Ban,” and the recent passage of the “Lawful Commerce In Arms Act.” Despite these victories, now is not the time for us to become complacent about our...

Buckeye Firearms Association Candidates Forum a Success

By Jim Irvine Buckeye Firearms Association would like to thank Black Wing Shooting Center for the letting candidates and grassroots volunteers spend some time together last weekend. A good time was had by all. Thanks to all the elected officials who took time from their hectic schedules to attend. For several of them, it was a three hour drive, each way. That is more than an eight our time...

USSA/ Buckeye Firearms Association Forum a Huge Success

By Larry S. Moore The candidate forum led by the USSA and co-sponsored by National Wild Turkey Federation Ohio State Chapter, Buckeye Firearms Association, Gander Mountain, Ohio State Trappers Association, Pheasants Forever, and Ducks Unlimited, was well attended by sportsmen from across the state. It was, in short, a huge success demonstrating the political awareness of the gun-owning sportsmen...

Letters correct op-ed writer who makes being wrong about guns a full-time job

The Toledo Blade has published two excellent letters to the editor in which writers respond to a bigoted and derogatory op-ed published recently by anti-gun extremist Marilou Johanek. Having once expressed her (very wrong) prediction that concealed carry would present Ohio with a "worst-case scenario when road, work, or play rage finds a trigger within easy reach", Johanek deserves to have her...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.