ifeminists.com: Women need to defend themselves

"Women need to defend themselves, especially single women or those with husbands overseas. And the media has a responsibility to discuss honestly the issue of gun ownership. The John Walsh Show (search) on NBC may have dealt a blow (4/29) to both goals by "ambushing" three women who agreed to discuss their gun ownership and advocacy on air." Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. "Maria...

U.S. Senate Confirms Cook Appointment

The U.S. Senate confirmed Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook Monday for the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The U.S. Appeals Court is one step below the U.S. Supreme Court and decides much of the nation's law. President Bush nominated her for the federal bench nearly two years ago but her vote has been held up by partisan battles. Cook was confirmed quickly by the Senate on a 66-to-25...

New online poll asks if businesses should be allowed to ban firearms in cars

A new survey has been added to the OFCC PAC website, inquiring whether or not businesses should be allowed to ban firearms from your private vehicle in their parking lot. Vote on the upper-right corner of the homepage, or click here . If you haven't already done so, you can still weigh in on whether or not you would shop a business that bans CCW, by clicking here .

House Bill 12 receives second hearing in Senate committee

Representatives from Ohioans For Concealed Carry and OFCC PAC were on hand today at the Statehouse, as HB12 received it's second hearing in the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice. A short summary of the hearing follows. One representative each from the National Rifle Association and Ohioans For Concealed Carry testified, and answered questions before the committee. An NRA spokesperson testified...

Op. Ed: Gun control advocates' credibility on line

The Minneapolis Star Tribune has printed an excellent opinion editorial from author John Lott. Minnesota is one of the four states that have passed right-to-carry legislation already this year, in the face of hysterical ranting from gun-control extremists. It doesn't speak of Ohio, but Lott's piece addresses the fact that the nationwide successes of concealed carry reform has stretched these...

Vote in May 7 Primary!

Tuesday is Election Day. There is more to protecting your rights than just state-wide elections. Many counties have spending issues, revenue issues and races for local elected officials at stake. Need to know where to go vote? Not sure if you're registered? Only your county board of elections has information regarding the location of your polling place and your voter registration status. You must...

U.S. Senate schedules Monday vote on nomination of Justice Cook to Federal bench

The U.S. Senate will finally vote on the nomination of Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday. Ms. Cook's approval for that post will leave vacant a seat on the Ohio Supreme Court. Governor Bob Taft is constitutionally authorized to name a replacement. Will Taft use a litmus test for his nominee ? Will he dare overturn the publicly elected...

FLASHBACK: Gun Fight at the Ohio Corral

The scene is all too familiar: • A concealed carry reform bill with overwhelming support in the Ohio legislature. • A gaggle of law-enforcement bureaucrats who oppose Ohioans' right to self-defense. • A Republican governor who traded his support for self-defense rights in his state, to earn a police labor union's endorsement in future political aspirations. The year was 1995, and the governor was...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.