OSU's Lantern takes a more balanced look at HB12

Ohio State University's student newspaper, The Lantern , has not been known for taking a fair and balanced approach to the issue of concealed carry reform in the past. But this go' round, budding journalist Matthew Carroll seems to have attempted a much more journalistic look at this story. Excellent quotes from OFCC President Jeff Garvas, HB12 sponsor Rep. Jim Aslanides, and some duds from anti-...

The Eleventh Hour: HOW YOU CAN HELP

The Ohio Senate is expected to move House Bill 12 deliberately. Under Sen. President Doug White, the climate in the Senate appears much more positive for concealed carry reform than when Dick Finan was running the show. But the fight is by no means over. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. Opposition extremists are trying to convince the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice...

Is Gov. Taft signaling retreat on CCW?

As we've been reporting since early March, Governor Taft and legislators have been at odds almost since the first gavel was struck in the 125th General Assembly. Significant events are occurring in the media and at the Statehouse, which may be playing together to force Gov. Taft into full retreat on his opposition to concealed carry reform. Click on the "Read More..." link below for more. The...

House Bill 12 receives first hearing in Senate committee

Representatives from Ohioans For Concealed Carry and OFCC PAC were on hand today at the Statehouse, as HB12 received it's first hearing in the Senate Commitee on Criminal Justice. A complete summary of the hearing may be accessed by clicking on the "Read More..." link below. Sponsor Jim Aslanides testified, and answered questions. Following is a summary from the hearing. Consider all comments as...

Cincy Post: City is dropping handgun lawsuit

After a four-year long legal battle, the city of Cincinnati is dropping its lawsuit against handgun manufacturers. Noted product liability attorney Stanley Chesley, who is representing the city, told local officials Tuesday that he recommended withdrawing the lawsuit because the political climate has changed dramatically since the case was filed in 1999. A bill pending before Congress that would...

Bill to carry concealed weapons goes to Ohio Senate

Cincinnati's 9News (WCPO, a CBS affiliate), filed a report on the beginning of Senate consideration of HB12 today. It be be read, or viewed on a video file, by clicking here . The opening two sentences set the tone for the report: "A bill stating the right to carry concealed weapons has been passed in the Ohio House and will soon be voted on in the Ohio Senate. This means guns could be found in...

Ohio CCW Debate Loaded

As Ohio's race between the Senate and the OSC heats up, finally we see front page coverage in the Willoughby News-Herald, Sunday edition. While our own Jeff Garvas and the owner of (what is becoming Lake counties only public shooting range) Big Bore Specialties, Jon Stewart, stuck to the facts, the same old scare tactics and misguided information was quoted from the OHP. I feel the article was...

John Lott book signing in Cincinnati this week!

Dr. John R. Lott Jr. will be making a public appearance in Cincinnati this week to promote his newly released book, The Bias Against Guns . YOUR APPEARANCE IS REQUESTED! Dr. Lott will be speaking, taking questions, and signing books on May 1 at 7:30 p.m. Location as follows: Borders Books 4530 Eastgate Blvd. Cincinnati, OH (513) 943-0068 Lott is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise...


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