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OFCC PAC Endorsed Candidate Randy O'Hara (R-32) needs your Help!

If you live in or near House District 32 (as detailed below), please consider this personal letter from endorsed candidate Randy O'Hara : Hello everyone, I need help with yard signs. 1. If you can put a sign in your yard please let me know. 2. If you know anyone that lives in: Carthage, Clifton, College Hill, Corryville, Downtown, Hartwell, The Heights, Mount Adams, Mount Airy, Mount Auburn,...

Cincinnati Post/ OFCC PAC endorse Robert Schuler (R) for Senate 7

Competing to succeed the term-limited Senate majority leader Richard Finan (R) are two markedly different candidates: Robert Schuler, a Republican, and Tony Fischer, a Democrat. Both OFCC PAC and the Cincinnati Post believe Schuler is clearly the better choice. In the newspaper's own words, "Schuler has broad experience and a good reputation. In 1992, he was elected to the first of what would be...

KEY RACE: Toledo Blade endorses Stratton & O’Connor for Supreme Court

Yet another major Ohio newspaper has endorsed Justice Evelyn Stratton (R) and Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor (R) for Ohio Supreme Court. According to the Blade, "The bold line that is supposed to separate the legislative and judicial branches of state government has become increasingly blurred with each passing year as the court’s 4-3 philosophical majority sees itself as a super-legislature." "...

Akron Beacon-Journal polls candidates re: Conceal Carry Reform

The Akron Beacon-Journal recently published their 2002 voter's guide, which reviewed Ohio House & Senate candidates from their subscriber area. Noticeably, the ONLY issue-specific question they asked these candidates was regarding their position on Conceal Carry Reform. Download the Beacon-Journal voter's guide and see each candidate's response. (You will need Adobe Acrobat software to read...

OFCC PAC endorses Allen Roy (R) for House 47

OFCC PAC is proud to endorse Allen Roy's campaign to become the next Ohio House Representative in Toledo's District 47. Roy is committed to being a strong advocate for Conceal Carry Reform and self-defense rights in the Ohio House. OFCC PAC believes his election will ensure continued strong support for Ohio CCW initiatives in the House. Roy's opponent is a Toledo city councilman. He led the fight...

Gov. Taft widens lead over challenger

According to poll results, published Monday by The Columbus Dispatch, Gov. Bob Taft has widened his lead in his bid for re-election. Taft, a Republican, was favored by 51 percent of those questioned. Tim Hagan, his Democratic opponent Nov. 5, was supported by 40 percent, with 2 percent for independent John Eastman and 7 percent saying they didn't know who they'd vote for. Read the story on the...

KEY RACE: O'Connor opens 17 pt. lead against challenger

According to poll results, published Monday by The Columbus Dispatch, Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor has opened up a 17-point lead over Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge Tim Black, 43 percent to 26 percent. 31 percent of the respondents were undecided when asked to pick between O'Connor and Black. Read the story on the full poll in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Commentary by Chad D. Baus: The battle...

KEY RACE: Poll shows Stratton-Burnside race dead heat

The tightest statewide race of the fall campaign appears to be between an incumbent Ohio Supreme Court justice and her challenger, according to a newspaper poll. The poll results, published Monday by The Columbus Dispatch, show the race between Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton and Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge Janet Burnside to be a virtual tie. Burnside's edge over Stratton was 25...


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