
Tale of Two Cities: Columbus jeweler shot, paralyzed; Philly robber dead

James Antonio McAfee, 26, admits that he had held up Amnon Gerberg, owner of the Diamond Connection, as Gerberg was outside his store at 3354 E. Broad St. Gerberg, 45, was trying to shield himself with a briefcase containing $400,000 worth of jewels when McAfee shot him twice, damaging his spine and a lung, prosecutors said. Yesterday, U.S. District Judge George C. Smith sentenced McAfee to 12 1/...

Tale of Two Cities: Toledo store mgr. shot; Seattle pharmacist shoots back

The manager of a West Toledo carryout was shot in his hip-upper thigh area yesterday by a woman who robbed the business of an undetermined amount of money, police said. Osand Tahboub, 34, of Toledo was in fair condition last night in Toledo Hospital. He told police the woman entered the Marathon station, 3023 Dorr St., about 8:40 a.m., pulled out a handgun, and demanded money. After Mr. Tahboub...

Tale of Two Cities: Troy video store robbed; Jacksonville robber killed

Woman sought in store robbery Dayton Daily News TROY | Police are looking for a woman who pulled a gun on a video rental store employee Friday and took off with a small amount of cash. According to a 911 report, the woman entered Diamond Video, at 19 S. Norwich Road, about 7 p.m. and looked at rental movies. She approached the counter with several items and pulled a gun when the employee opened...

Pt. II: ''Victim Zone'' exclusions are BAD for law-abiding Ohio citizens

As the Ohio General Assembly looks ahead to committee consideration of HB12 and SB24, we believe serious consideration should be given to removing language involving the creation of "victim zones" in Ohio, where persons are prohibited from exercising their constitutional right to self-defense. The recent rash of armed robberies in Cincinnati outline a prime reason why "victim zone" exclusions for...

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Police say shock devices didn't work

A story in the Cleveland Plain Dealer illustrates why non-lethal sidearms are not adequate substitutes for the exercise of Ohioans' constitutional right to carry a firearm for their defense & security. 02/04/03 Karen Farkas Plain Dealer Reporter Akron - Police are trying to find out why Taser weapons did not disable suspects in two recent cases. One suspect was subsequently shot and killed,...

Tale of Two Cities: Warren man kidnapped, Detroit man defends self

Jason Storey's odyssey of terror began about 10 p.m. when he was carjacked by two masked men with a gun in the parking lot of Walgreens on West Market Street. He was ordered at gunpoint to get in his 2003 Pontiac Grand Am and drive them to a local bank. They forced him to make a withdrawal from the automatic teller machine. He withdrew $10 because he only had $16 in his account. They then locked...

Tale of Two Cities: Findlay man beaten & robbed, Anderson man defends self

Police said Jack K. George, a delivery worker for Domino's Pizza, was confronted by two men at 1801 Brookside Drive at about 9:45 p.m. Wednesday, and one of the suspects hit him in the head with a wooden club. Police said George had pulled into a driveway at the Brookside Drive residence to deliver two pizzas when he was approached by a man. That man asked George to follow him to the rear of the...

Tale of Two Cities: Toledo woman's neck broken, Angleton woman shoots back

Thomas D. White, 41, of 2548 Parkview Ave., Toledo, was arraigned yesterday after he was accused of severely beating a central-city woman in an assault during which he allegedly bound her hands and feet with duct tape and a coat hanger before dropping her off three miles from where the incident occurred. The 44-year-old victim suffered two broken hands, a broken jaw, several broken fingers, a...


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