
Tea party movement: There is power in cooperation

By Jeff Knox The growing dissatisfaction of more and more citizens with the direction of our government and our nation presents a wonderful opportunity for rights activists to build and strengthen coalitions and grow the movement's base. The media, the administration, and Democrat leaders have broadly attempted to discredit and dismiss several large "right-wing" groups of dissatisfied and...

Burglaries of gun store and trooper's car prove criminals not deterred by background checks or waiting periods

Bu Chad D. Baus The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that thieves stole nearly $30,000 worth of guns, knives and ammunition during a break-in Monday at the Black Wing Shooting Center in Delaware, and the county sheriff is asking for citizens' help to recover the stolen property.

Poll Shows Americans Support Right-to-Carry

The United States Senate recently voted on an amendment that would have allowed Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry in all other states that also grant carry permits. The amendment, sponsored by Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and David Vitter (R-La.), won a significant majority of votes, 58 to 39, but failed to reach the 60 votes needed to avoid a Senate filibuster. Anti-gun senators have long...

ATF trace data proves gun control does not affect crime

By Gerard Valentino One of the crown jewels of the gun control movement was the passage of the Brady Bill during the first term of Bill Clinton's administration. The bill created the five day waiting period for handgun purchases, and was hailed as the first step in halting handgun violence in America. Of course, prior to the Brady Bill the anti-gun groups had claimed several other key gun control...

Senate Bill SB-2099 e-mails are a hoax

In recent weeks, people from all over Ohio have been bombarding us with copies of a hoax e-mail about Senate Bill SB-2099. The e-mail warns that SB-2099 would require you to list all guns on your IRS income tax return. No matter how many times we explain that this e-mail is a hoax, people just keep forwarding it to us. The NRA reports it's getting hundreds of these forwarded e-mails. Trust us...

Book Review: The Great New Orleans Gun Grab

By Ken Hanson I recently finished reading The Great New Orleans Gun Grab: Descent Into Anarchy by Gordon Hutchinson and Todd Masson. To give you an idea of how interesting this book is, I finished all 190 pages PLUS the Appendix materials in just under three hours. Both Hutchinson and Masson are professional writers, and they do an excellent job conveying a story that is fascinating, frightening...

Does teaching gun safety help stop accidents? More Ohio police officers say yes.

By Chad D. Baus To hear the media darlings at the anti-gun Joyce Foundation-funded International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) tell it, guns - the tools some criminals use - are responsible for violence and accidental deaths in America, rather than the criminal or the ignorant. And every police office thinks so. Or do they?

A senseless crime leaves me wondering, "What if...?"

By Tim Inwood I, for one, was nauseated by the news of the slaughter of Byrd and Melanie Billings at their home in Pensacola, Florida. These were wonderful people who had done very well in life and were using their fortune to help raise special needs children whom they had adopted. Sadly, media coverage of their large family and unusual circumstances brought unwanted attention from the criminal...


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