Gun Grabbers

Two 'no guns' UDF convenience stores in Dayton robbed within 24 hours

by Tim Inwood According to news reports this week, two United Dairy Farmer's stores in Dayton ( Wyoming Street and North Main Street ) were robbed within 24 hours. Apparently the thugs missed the little 'no guns' sign on the door UDF corporate put there to keep him out. Or just maybe the miscreant was a bit wiser than the UDF corporate stuffed shirts who put the sign up. The crook was certainly...

England shooting proves fallacy of gun control laws

Last Wednesday's mass shooting in northwest England is more proof that restrictive gun laws do not prevent horrible criminal acts, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Wire service and British news agency reports say 12 people are dead and 25 people are wounded, and suspected gunman Derrick Bird is among the fatalities. It appears he died from a self-inflicted...

Gun control restrictions snag heroes, but have no effect on criminals

by Jeff Knox With a decision expected from the Supreme Court later this month, the importance of the McDonald case challenging Chicago's handgun ban was brought into stark relief last week when an 80-year old Chicago resident used a handgun to stop a violent home intruder. Reports indicate that the intruder broke in through a back window of the octogenarian's home in the early hours of May 26 and...

Obama administration's ATF Reverses Interpretation of Gun Control Act; Redefines "Transfers" of Firearms

Editors note: The following is republished from a blog post by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) . Reversing an interpretation of the Gun Control Act that has been on the books for more than four decades, ATF today posted a ruling declaring any shipment of a firearm by a manufacturer (FFL) to any agent or business (e.g., an engineering-design firm, patent lawyer, testing lab, gun...

Research: Concealed Carry and Guns Save Lives

Guns save lives, and are necessary for protection. That's according to research from David Burnett and Clayton Cramer, who track incidents of defensive gun use at The stories include senior citizens fighting off robbers, and women defending themselves against rapists or attackers, proving armed citizens prevent violent crimes everywhere from restaurants and grocery stores to...

Anti-gun Ohio newspaper editorial board member embraces "denial" like a baby does his "binky"

de·ni·al - "An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings." - The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary by Ken Hanson, Esq. In a May 30, 2010 column, Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial board member and columnist Thomas Suddes says, " Just hand Ohio to the gun nuts and get it over with ." While I would like to oblige him,...

Mexican President Calls For Reinstatement Of Failed Gun Ban

On Thursday [May 20], Felipe Calderon, the president of Mexico, where prohibitive gun laws prevent good people from having firearms for protection against criminals and governments of dubious legitimacy (historically the norm in Mexico), encouraged Congress to reinstate the federal "assault weapon" ban. With a warning seemingly designed to appeal to those who believe that speaking out against the...

Facing defeat in U.S. courts, Chicago Mayor Daley suggests "appeal" to World Court

by Gerard Valentino Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is clearly getting desperate to save the city's longtime ban on private ownership of firearms. With the prospect looming of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling his city's ban unconstitutional, and after the state Supreme Court tossed his $433 million lawsuit against the gun industry, he is now calling for a change of venue — to the World Court normally...


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