Gun Grabbers

Latest round of shoddy journalism in Ohio focuses on mythical "gun show loophole"

by Gerard Valentino Ohio's establishment media has a long history of taking sides in the debate on the right to keep and bear arms. In her coverage of the Dayton area gun show anti-gun protest at Hara Arena, Kelli Wynn of The Dayton Daily News managed to take that anti-gun bias to a new level. Her fawning and overly-sympathetic coverage of the protest was a slap in the face to fair-minded Ohioans...

Obama Supreme Court nominee was 'not sympathetic' as law clerk to gun-rights argument

By Chad D. Baus Bloomberg News is reporting that Elena Kagan, who was recently nominated by President Obama to the United States Supreme Court, said as a U.S. Supreme Court law clerk in 1987 that she was "not sympathetic" toward a man who contended that his constitutional rights were violated when he was convicted for carrying an unlicensed pistol. According to Bloomberg News, Kagan made the...

Ohio Attorney General files merit brief defending constitutionality of statewide preemption law

By Ken Hanson, Esq. Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray, via the Solicitor General, filed a strong merit brief on Tuesday May 12 in support of Ohio's "preemption" law, R.C. 9.68. This law was enacted via HB347, which passed with overwhelming support in December 2006 over Governor Bob Taft's veto. HB347 remains the only veto-override in Ohio in the past three decades. As I noted at the time of...

Another city nullifies gun ban under statewide preemption; City of Cleveland still in violation of the law

By Chad D. Baus Even as the City of Cleveland continues to enforce its local gun control laws and waste tax payer money to fight state law prohibiting same in court, the City of Newark, OH is taking another route entirely at a council meeting to be held tonight.

Gun control laws fail to keep Time Square terror-bomber from purchasing a gun, yet oblivious Bloomberg demands more

By Chad D. Baus Judging by the events of the past week, it's a good thing for billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg that he uses taxpayer funds to hire others to carry guns for his protection ( even when he's visiting his mansion in the "no guns" country of Bermuda). If he carried a gun himself, he'd constantly be shooting himself in the foot. Take for example Bloomberg's reaction...

Civil rights and double standards: Gun owners are forced to "show papers," but media say illegal aliens shouldn't have to

By Tim Inwood I've been watching with some interest the fallout over the new Arizona law dealing with illegal aliens. I hear the news media moaning that the new law "makes it a crime to be an illegal alien." I'm not joking, that is exactly how they phrased it on several networks and cable news shows. Wow, that is what I always thought illegal meant. I really wish the media would think about what...

Legislation to repeal D.C. gun control laws introduced in House and Senate

By Jim Shepherd Senators Jon Tester and John McCain have introduced bipartisan legislation that would repeal most gun laws in the District of Columbia. The Second Amendment Enforcement Act, would overrule the District's deliberately complicated registration requirements and would prevent enactment of regulations that prohibit the carrying of firearms in public places. It also puts the bridle on...

Mayors Against Illegal Guns TV ads pose question for DeWine & Kasich

By Chad D. Baus In 2009, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), the gun control front group run by billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, made news for apparently having added the names of mayors to his group without permission . In 2010, Bloomberg hopes to make news for a different reason. According to a recent MAIG press release , the gun ban group is spending more than a quarter of a...


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