Gun Grabbers

McDonald v. Chicago: What constitutes a win?

By Jim Shepherd Most of the conversational around the industry since [last] Tuesday's Supreme Court oral arguments in the McDonald v. Chicago case has been pretty optimistic. It seems a foregone conclusion that the Supreme Court will vacate both firearms restriction ordinances in Chicago and its suburb, Oak Park, lllinois. But there's been very little said about Otis McDonald, the 76-year old...

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. awarded judgement against City of Racine and two Racine police officers

On September 9th, 2009 Wisconsin Carry member Frank Hannan-Rock of Racine was unlawfully arrested while open-carrying on the front porch of his home in Racine. On January 8th Wisconsin Carry filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Wisconsin, City of Racine, two Racine Police officers, The City of Milwaukee and one Milwaukee Police Officer. In this lawsuit we challenge the constitutionality...

McDonald v. Chicago: Deciphering Your Rights

By Jeff Knox Oral arguments in the Supreme Court case of McDonald v. Chicago were an interesting show on March 2. Most of the Justices made their positions on applying the Second Amendment to the states – and what mechanism to use to do it – fairly clear from the outset. Most observers agree that the Court will declare that states must recognize a fundamental right to keep and bear arms. A...

Toledo Blade editorial continues string of anti-gun writing, misrepresents Ohio restaurant carry legislation

By Gerard Valentino A recent Toledo Blade editorial about pro-gun reform in Ohio reads like something out of the anti-gun playbook from 1999. The anti-gun hit piece titled "Get a Handle on Guns" uses a series of misleading statements and outright lies to push a misinformed agenda. By making the claim that guns and alcohol don't mix, the author tries to imply that legislators are advocating...

Republican AG candidate told he will not be on the ballot vs. anti-gun Mike DeWine

By Chad D. Baus Gun owners and other voters opposed to the resurgence of Mike DeWine in Ohio politics have been put on quite a roller-coaster ride in recent weeks. On January 25, Ohio GOP chair Kevin DeWine worked to orchestrate an unopposed primary for his anti-gun cousin Mike by enticing pro-gun candidate Dave Yost to drop out of the race for Attorney General. Less than two weeks later, on...

Feds funding Ohio study that could lead to regulating shooting ranges in attempt to decrease suicide rates

In most cases, suicide is a solitary event and yet it has often far-reaching repercussions for many others. It is rather like throwing a stone into a pond; the ripples spread and spread. - Alison Wertheimer, "A Special Scar" By Chad D. Baus According to a recent cover story by Steph Greegor in Columbus' The Other Paper , two incidents of suicide that have been carried out at an Ohio shooting...

McDonald v. City of Chicago oral arguments transcript released

Download our pdf to read the transcript of oral arguments in McDonald v. City of Chicago . . The Court has refused a media request to promptly release the audiotape. Analysis from Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson, the attorney of record for Buckeye Firearms Foundation, which filed friend-of-the-court briefs in both the McDonald and Heller Supreme Court cases, is...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.