Gun Grabbers

Obama administration backs U.N.'s pursuit of international gun control treaty

"I have no intention of taking away folks' guns." - Barack Obama, Feb 11, 2008 By Chad D. Baus Reuters is reporting that the Obama administration has reversed U.S. policy and said it would back launching talks on a United Nations treaty to regulate arms sales, a move that pro-gun activists warn is one giant leap toward side-stepping Congress and overturning the Second Amendment. From the story :...

Are gun owners as dumb as Mike DeWine thinks?

By Chad D. Baus Mention the name "Mike Dewine" to most gun owners, and the reaction is a visceral one. They remember all too well how DeWine (whom Ohio voters ousted from his U.S. Senate seat in 2006, and who is now seeking the Republican nomination for Ohio Attorney General) ran around sporting a Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly Handgun Control Inc.) endorsement because "his...

Gun show operator takes proactive steps in wake of Bloomberg's $1.5 million "gotcha" video

By Chad D. Baus In response to a video released by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who reportedly spent $1.5 million of tax payer money to send private investigators to Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada gun shows, show operator Dave Goodman has announced steps he is taking to better ensure that all laws are being followed at future Bill Goodman's Gun and Knife Shows.

Gun control study fails attempt to prove myth that gun possession doesn't make you safer

By Eugene Volokh "Guns Did Not Protect Those Who Possessed Them from Being Shot in an Assault." So reports a press release posted at, which also says: The study estimated that people with a gun were 4.5 times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not possessing a gun. “This study helps resolve the long-standing debate about whether guns are protective or perilous,”...

City of Sharonville exposes Mayor Bloomberg's lack of concern for enforcing firearms law

By Chad D. Baus Last Wednesday, anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg staged a press conference to announce that he had hired private investigators to attempt to make purchases at gun shows in Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and claiming they had proved "just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked." One of the shows invaded by the Mayor of...

Gun registration leads to gun confiscation

By Dean Rieck Gun control advocates see gun registration as a benign and commonsense means to create a safer society. Pro-gun advocates see gun registration as a nefarious and senseless infringement on Second Amendment rights that invariably leads to confiscation. Who is right? We are. Gun registration has always been a back door to gun confiscation. Just look at what our neighbors to the north...

FLASH: Mayor Bloomberg brings gun show "investigators" to Ohio - issues questionable report on guns

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has made headlines in recent weeks after several Ohio mayors quit his gun control front group (with many saying they were misled, and others saying they had never agreed to join the first place), has announced the results of an investigation of seven gun shows in Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada. Bloomberg used New York City tax dollars to fund what amounts to a...

More northeast Ohio mayors suspicious about how their names were added to Bloomberg's gun control list

Long-time gun control activist Lori O'Neill signed up several mayors after speaking to the Northeast Ohio Mayors and City Managers' Association By Chad D. Baus Amidst news of an increasing number of mayors in Ohio and across the country who are resigning from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control front group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) , and in the wake of questions over whether...


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