Gun Grabbers

Bad Laws, Bad Legislators, Bad Ideas (and the Gun Manufacturers that continue to look the other way)

By Jim Shepherd On Friday, it would be nice to be able to talk about the anticipation with which we all look toward the weekend. After all, it's the most continuous time many of us have to enjoy the outdoors. Some Fridays, unfortunately, that's just not possible. Yesterday, New Jersey became the fourth state to pass legislation limiting state residents to one handgun purchase every thirty days...

SAF sues District of Columbia over carrying of handguns

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation [Thursday] filed a lawsuit on behalf of three residents of the District of Columbia and a Florida resident, seeking to compel the city to issue carry permits to law-abiding citizens. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of Tom Palmer, George Lyon and Amy McVey, all District residents, and Edward Raymond, a New Hampshire resident...

American gun control laws: A shoestring is a gun, but a revolver is not?

By Jeff Knox When a New York City police officer caught a .32 caliber slug in his ribs last week, Mayor Mike Bloomberg was quick to question how the career criminal and convicted felon was able to obtain the gun. I'm afraid that the question is going to lead to attempts at broader restrictions on more items in New York and elsewhere because it's possible that the gun involved in the shooting...

New Yorker fights attempts by city to license his Revolutionary War-style flintlock

The New York Daily News is reporting that, like America's first soldiers at the Battle of Brooklyn, NYC resident Michael Littlejohn is fighting for his right to bear arms. And his fight proves beyond any doubt that, despite their claims, gun banners want ALL guns.

Illinois mayor laments fact that concealed carry is playing almost everywhere BUT Peoria

By Gerard Valentino There is an old saying that "if it plays in Peoria, it will play anywhere." Thankfully, Peoria, IL mayor Jim Ardis is now on record as supporting concealed carry in Illinois, and wants Peoria to be the test city. Additionally, the Peoria Journal Star is reporting that the Illinois Sheriff Association has also passed a resolution in favor of legal concealed carry.

Senator Voinvich claims Ohioans can't relate to pro-gun Republicans from the South

By Chad D. Baus One week after ignoring thousands of phone calls from his constituents and helping a Democrat filibuster kill nationwide CCW reciprocity, Republican Senator George Voinovich of Ohio told editors at the Columbus Dispatch he knows what the Republican party's biggest problem is. According to the anti-gun Senator, who has decided to retire after recognizing a 2010 re-election bid...

Editorial: Senate kills plan to enforce Second Amendment

Imagine you're visiting Idaho or Arizona. A cop pulls you over and asks to see your driver's license. Then, even though your license is current, he draws his sidearm, cuffs you, and hauls you off to the calaboose. Your crime? You were driving on a Nevada license; you neglected to get a new and separate driver's license, in advance, for each state you're planning to pass through. Ridiculous? Of...

Sotomayor's pending confirmation exposes how far we have fallen

By Gerard Valentino Of all the issues brought up during the confirmation hearings of Sonia Sotomayer, one comment she made is most disturbing. It also has largely been ignored by the establishment media. During an exchange with Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla, Sotomayer stated there is no constitutional right to self-defense. Her statement makes one thing painfully clear – the liberal intelligentsia see...


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