Gun Grabbers

ABC News's latest one-sided view of the gun issue tackles restaurant carry in Tennessee

By Gerard Valentino A recent story on ABC News proves, once again, that the establishment media takes a one-sided view of the gun issue. The story, which can be viewed here , covers a new law in Tennessee that allows people to carry guns in restaurants and bars – and is clearly slanted against gun owners. In the report, the mainstream media trots out one of their favorite foils, a gun owner who...

ACLU opposes baseball bat control

By Dean Rieck According to the Boston Globe , the City Council in Lynn, MA have decided to allow police to arrest students who bring baseball bats and other "weapons" to school. However the ACLU, famous for their inconsistent stance on gun control, opposes this ordinance. Here are the facts: Lynn City Council wants to be "proactive" in making schools safer, authorizing police to arrest students...

Op-Ed: The Media Gets It Wrong, Again, On Guns

By John R. Lott In Portsmouth, New Hampshire last week, a man carried a handgun a few blocks away from the site where President Obama was scheduled to hold a town hall a couple of hours later. Was it a danger or not? The man carrying the gun, William Kostric, even had permission to have the gun on private church property while he was protesting Obama's appearance. Everybody from the New York...

MSNBC plays racial politics with deceptive editing, says SAF

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today accused MSNBC of using deceptively-edited video from a Phoenix, Arizona anti-tax rally on Monday to invent a racial stereotype in its on-going effort to demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as "racists." The MSNBC video, narrated by reporter Contessa Brewer, appearing with "Morning Meeting" host Dylan Ratigan, shows an AR-15 rifle...

Doomed to fail: Latest Chicago gun "buy-back" scheme focuses on "assault-type" weapons

By Gerard Valentino CBS 2 in Chicago is reporting that Mayor Daley announced a continuation of his failed gun "buy-back" program. According to the story, if a resident turns in an "assault-type gun" they get a $100 gift card from the City.

California micro-stamping law stalled just months before scheduled implementation

By Chad D. Baus The San Diego Union-Tribune is reporting that, two years after California passed a gun control law requiring the next generation of semi-automatic handguns to leave a microscopic identifying code on spent casings, the controversial technology appears no closer to being introduced in that state, let alone anywhere else. The story notes that California Attorney General Jerry Brown...

Another pro-gun mayor wises up to Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" charade

By Chad D. Baus For the past several years, Buckeye Firearms Association has published a series of articles entitled "All Politicians Are Not The Same," highlighting elected officials who have proven strong support for the Second Amendment. Today, I believe we can add two more names to the list: Rep. Josh Mandel and Village of Walton Hills Mayor Marlene Anielski. Many pro-gun voters will already...

ATF trace data proves gun control does not affect crime

By Gerard Valentino One of the crown jewels of the gun control movement was the passage of the Brady Bill during the first term of Bill Clinton's administration. The bill created the five day waiting period for handgun purchases, and was hailed as the first step in halting handgun violence in America. Of course, prior to the Brady Bill the anti-gun groups had claimed several other key gun control...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.