Gun Grabbers

Op-Ed: Mexican Standoff On Second Amendment

By Dan Gifford and Michael J. Krauss Big lies die slowly. After a claim by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that 90% of Mexican drug dealers' military weapons (machine guns, hand grenades and missiles) come from American gun stores was exposed as a lie several months ago, it's back — this time with the imprimatur of the Government Accountability Office. A June 21 CBS "60...

Faux pro-gun group endorses Sotomayor for U.S. Supreme Court

The most recent issue of the National Shooting Sports Foundation newsletter, Bullet Points , observes that the faux gun group known as American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), has endorsed the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice. As former NRA President Sandy Froman recently pointed out , Sotomayor has a narrow view of the Second Amendment that contradicts the...

Watch lists, guns and government

By Bob Barr as published in The Atlanta Journal Constitution The secret government "Terrorist Watch List," reportedly already swelled to more than 1.1 million names, will have an addendum, if gun control advocates in Congress have their way. This new addendum — also to be cloaked in secrecy — would empower the U.S. Attorney General to deny a person the ability to exercise their Second Amendment...

Church-based gun banner chides pastor to stop teaching on the subject of self-defense and the Bible

By Chad D. Baus Over the past several years, I've been monitoring the statements the non-profit Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence is required to file with the Internal Revenue Service. In 2005, I exposed the fact that OCAGV kept office space in the basement of the Collingwood Presbyterian Church in Toledo (space for which the organization was being charged bargain price of $270 per month). I...

Brady Campaign attorney says "certainly nothing wrong" with adults banging away at Southern Ohio Machine Gun Shoot

Nothing can be more absurd than the carrying of concealed weapons in a civilized community without a special purpose, and that in times of tranquility is simply criminal. - The [Columbus Daily] Dispatch, July 1, 1871 By Chad D. Baus During my seven-plus years experience covering Second Amendment issues and the media in Ohio, I've learned that whenever the Columbus Dispatch decides to cover a gun...

The Second Amendment and the Slow Erosion of Time

By Dave Yost A year ago, the United State Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment's right to bear arms belongs to individuals, not to state militias. The decision started more legal arguments than it settled, and the battle is still raging in the lower courts. The Supreme Court decision, District of Columbia v. Heller *, has already produced plenty of litigation. Since it's a Supreme Court...

Second Amendment supporters must oppose Sotomayor

By Sandy Froman Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Barack Obama's first nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, has a narrow view of the Second Amendment that contradicts the Court's landmark decision in District of Columbia v. Heller . A heated debate has started in the U.S. Senate over her opposition to the right to keep and bear arms. This issue, which has decided the fate of presidential elections,...

GAO Reports On Arms Trafficking In Mexico

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report this week entitled, "Firearms Trafficking: U.S. Efforts to Combat Arms Trafficking to Mexico Face Planning and Coordination Challenges." Among other things, the report asserts that Mexican officials consider illicit firearms the number one crime problem affecting their country's security; that about 87 percent of firearms seized in...


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