Gun Grabbers

Surveying Dem & GOP Presidential candidates, Brady bunch President declares "we got the ball back"

We're All Gun Nuts Now By John McCormack During a campaign debate on April 16, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were asked if the District of Columbia's ban on gun possession, now facing a challenge before the Supreme Court, is constitutional. "I think a total ban, with no exceptions under any circumstances, might be found by the Court not to be. But I don't know the facts,"...

Bloomberg Outrage: Asks judge to ban Second Amendment references!

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has moved from outrage to atrocity by asking anti-gun activist federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein to ban any reference to the Second Amendment during a civil lawsuit trial beginning May 27 against Georgia gun dealer Jay Wallace, proprietor at Adventure Outdoors. The New York Sun reported that Bloomberg’s attorneys made the request. Alan Gottlieb, founder of the...

Meijer Ends Promotion with HSUS

(Columbus, OH) - Midwest Retail Giant Meijer, Inc. has ended its promotion with the nation’s largest anti-hunting organization. The leadership at Meijer, a Michigan-based regional chain of retail superstores, has responded to the concerns of the sportsman community and ended its partnership with the anti-hunting group, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), in an online pet photo contest.

LIE: “Va. Tech more secure a year after massacre”

By Jim Irvine In a recent story titled, “Va. Tech more secure a year after massacre,” USA Today promotes lies and the exact feel good head in the sand mindset that helped a sick man kill 32 innocent people a year ago. The sad fact is that the school is NOT more secure today than it was. School administrators have spent a lot of time and money on everything but the real issue; enabling those...

Fake Pro-Gun Group Endorses Fake Pro-Gun Candidate

By Chad D. Baus Pro-gun groups have been trying to sound the alarm about Barack Obama’s extreme anti-gun record since his Presidential campaign began. While his record includes opposing letting people use a self-defense argument if charged with violating local handgun bans by using weapons in their homes, and being a member of the Joyce Foundation (which provides groups like the Ohio Coalition...

Op-Ed: The Democrats and Gun Control

By David Kopel Imagine an election race of Pat Robertson versus James Dobson, each of them appearing at organic grocery stores and Starbucks throughout Massachusetts, with each candidate insisting that he alone deserves the vote of gay-marriage advocates. An equally silly spectacle is taking place these days in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky, as Sens. Hillary...

(Misguided) Mayors Against Illegal Guns

By Gerard Valentino The organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns is in the news again for announcing an ad campaign to raise awareness of how illegal guns are often used in crimes. While everyone agrees that stopping the flow of guns to criminals is of vital public interest, the organizations stated goals are worthy of a “Captain of the Obvious” award. Led by the rabidly anti-gun Mayor of New...

Op-Ed: City of Chicago misfires on gun violence

By Steve Chapman When a rash of gun murders takes place , it makes sense for the police to do one of two things: renew tactics that have been effective in the past at curbing homicides, or embrace ideas that have not been tried before. But those options don't appeal to Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis. What he proposes instead is a crackdown on assault weapons. I'm tempted to say this is the moral...


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