National Politics

No U.S. Ammo in Canada?: Politics and Pistols, Pt. 1

Editor's Note: The following commentary was published by The Outdoor Wire on February 13. A follow-up article, published days later, will follow tomorrow . By Jim Shepherd Despite the fact that tomorrow's supposed to be the day to show love and affection, it looks like Canadian firearms enthusiasts aren't much in love with parts of the government right now. The reason? A report making the rounds...

Athens County, Ohio joins rest of America, stocks up on guns

The Athens News is reporting that Athens County, Ohio is a part of the growing national trend toward increasing firearms purchases. The story notes that while other businesses are tanking in the shaky economy, the firearms industry is growing rapidly due to widespread uncertainty about the markets and future legislation.

Dayton Daily News (accidentally) educates readers on need for national reciprocity law

By Chad D. Baus While it obviously wasn't the intent of Dayton Daily News reporter Laura Bischoff, whose most memorable gun-related story came after passage of Ohio's concealed carry law in 2004, when Bischoff suggested that the "gun lobby" bought the law by outspending gun control extremists, a pair of stories on the subject of out-of-state licenses are serving to expose the need for a national...

Encourage lawmakers to support excise tax reform

The National Shooting Sports Foundation encourages all members of the firearms and ammunition industry to voice their support of H.R. 510, legislation that will rectify a longstanding inequity in the collection of the firearms and ammunition excise tax -- a major source of wildlife conservation funding.

Major Victory for American Workers' Right to Self-Defense

On Wednesday February 18, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously in support of allowing employees to store legally owned firearms in locked, private motor vehicles while parked in employer parking lots. This decision upholds NRA-backed legislation passed in 2004.

Leading Conservation Groups Respond to Attacks on Alaska Governor

(Columbus) – A consortium of conservation organizations today sent a letter of support of Alaska's wolf management program to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The letter, spearheaded by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and signed by 8 other organizations representing nearly 3 million conservationists nationwide, came in response to unwarranted attacks on the Alaska wolf management program by the animal...

Obama's "Drug Czar" pick offers more proof of anti-gun agenda

Reports that Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske has been tapped to become the nation's next "drug czar" offer more proof of the anti-gun intentions of the Obama administration, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. "During his eight-year tenure as Seattle's police chief, Gil Kerlikowske has established himself as a devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law...

Obama, Ginsburg and Guns

By Ken Blackwell Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being treated for pancreatic cancer. While Americans pray for her recovery, this sad news is a sobering reminder that President Obama is likely to appoint several justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. And in the aftermath of last year’s landmark decision on the Second Amendment, gun owners need to zero in on what these events mean for the future of...


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