National Politics

Op-Ed: The Brady Campaign to Prevent Civil Rights

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence hailed the 2008 presidential election as "a decisive victory for common sense gun laws." Sarah Brady said: "There is no indication that any candidate, at any level, lost their election because of their support for reasonable gun measures."[1] But what exactly qualifies as "common sense gun laws" or "reasonable gun measures?" A recent paper answered this...

Op-Ed: Stop This Man

By Ted Nugent One sector of the American economy that is booming is the absolute orgy of guns and ammunition sales. I am pretty certain President Obama will not say anything positive about this economic news. I have read more than one report that shows how the surge of civilian firepower sales began back when it appeared that Obama was likely to be elected. The already-brisk guns and ammo market...

Republicans' attempt to remake party must include focus on Second Amendment

By Chad D. Baus While the major media focus continues to be on the Obama administration's infancy, the choosy newsreader can also find a number of stories covering various aspects of the Republican party's attempts to "rebrand" itself in the wake of major losses at the ballot box, both in Ohio and nationally, over the past two election cycles. As party leaders continue their soul-searching, they...

Personal freedom begins with gun rights

By Gerard Valentino Of all the issues being debated in today's marketplace of opinion, one issue remains inviolate – the belief that everyone is free from bodily harm. Whether it takes the form of being beaten, murdered, raped or unfairly searched is irrelevant - any attack, no matter how placid, on a person's own body is, by definition, immoral. How that right is protected is where the true...

Day 1: President Obama officially declares war on your guns!

Within minutes of being sworn in yesterday, Obama posted a new White House website announcing the administration's declaration of war on American gun owners. Tucked away in the section on "Urban Policy," under the header "Crime and Law Enforcement," the White House website now states : Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to...

They've been hiding for years, but Washington's gun ban extremists are baaaack

By Gerard Valentino Like cockroaches waiting for the lights to go out before scurrying out into the open, the anti-gunners have sulked in their little holes, feeding off political scraps while we were increasing the pro-gun footprint. While the anti-gunners hid, pro-gunners were so successful that only two states don't allow legal concealed carry. The anti-gun leadership absorbed their losses and...

First Shot from the 111th Congress

By Jeff Knox The 111th Congress got off to a predictable start on January 6 with the swearing in of the many new members and the introduction of a few pieces of legislation, including one of the most draconian gun control bills to be offered in years. No sooner were the new members of Congress sworn in than Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL), a former Black Panther leader, filed a bill, H.R. 45,...

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 58 - 2009 Gun Ban Introduced

Taken from the most recent “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The Uninvited Ombudsman Report” ---------- STARTERS Brady Gun Ban Plan: I have obtained the complete 16-page plan sent to Obama's transition team, with 26 specific "requests," posted here: So where's the pro-rights proposal? If the gun-rights community doesn't offer suggestions, all we can do is react...


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