National Politics

Strict Judicial Scrutiny Needed for Second Amendment

By L. Dietle There has been little Second Amendment jurisprudence. In this vacuum, myths were cooked up and circulated to dilute the Amendment's original meaning. In the March 18, 2008 D.C. vs. Heller oral argument at the Supreme Court, these myths were thoroughly debunked by the Supreme Court Justices themselves. If honest, they will overturn D.C.'s functional firearms ban. They should also...

Hillary Clinton is the media's definition of "pro-gun"?

Big City Mayors continue to look for a scapegoat for their crime problem By Brian S. Stewart Hillary Clinton is doing her best to tiptoe around the gun issue during her attempts to win rural votes in Pennsylvania. But even a scaled-down-on-gun-control Hillary Clinton means calls for a renewed crackdown on interstate gun “trafficking” and a renewal of an assault weapons ban. In a recent speech on...

Protests Marking Virginia Tech Murders To Tell Only One Side Of The Story

By Brent Greer On Wednesday, April 16, gun control and anti self defense organizations are planning a series of protests around the nation to commemorate the one year anniversary of the mass murders at Virginia Tech. Remember? This was a likely preventable tragedy, had university administrators not openly scoffed at the common-sense proposal to permit students, faculty and staff the means to...

20 year-old Florida man offers red meat the anti-gun media prayed for

By Tim Inwood There are certain pro-gun control elements in the American news media that have been almost despondent since the Supreme Court heard District of Columbia v. Heller. It was pretty clear to most observers from the comments made by the Justices that a majority on the Court will rule the Second Amendment is a recognition of a pre-existing individual right. However, these individuals in...

CCRKBA calls on Obama to apologize to millions of license-holders for anti-CCW remarks

BELLEVUE, WA - Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday insulted millions of legally-armed American citizens when he told a Pennsylvania newspaper that concealed carry poses a threat to innocent people, and he should immediately apologize for that remark, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Senator Obama, quoted by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review , admitted, "I am not in...

Another Pinhead Commentator Lives the Gun Control Dream

By Gerard Valentino As it becomes clear to the anti-gun minority that the District of Columbia v. Heller case will ultimately be decided in the favor of the Second Amendment as an individual right to bear arms, they are becoming increasingly hysterical. It is already clear their talking points are based on convincing people that “over 70 years of legal precedent” needs to be overturned to find in...

Massive, house-to-house searches now on tap in nation's capital

They're Still Coming For Your Guns By Brian S. Stewart I recently wrote on Washington D.C.'s "Gun Recovery Unit", a group of officers tasked with hunting down guns in D.C. neighborhoods. Due to the D.C. gun ban, gun ownership in the city is illegal, and the police use traffic stops as an excuse to commit gun searches. That's if they aren't knocking the door down with a search warrant. Now Mayor...


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