National Politics

Op-Ed: D.C. Gun Ban Proponents Ignore the Facts

By John R. Lott, Jr. and Maxim Lott FOXNews For gun control proponents and opponents a lot is riding on a former security guard for the Supreme Court Annex. Next Tuesday , the Supreme Court will hear arguments over whether the District of Columbia's ban on handguns and its requirement that any rifles or shotguns remain locked violates the plaintiff, Dick Heller's, constitutional rights. Whatever...

CCRKBA says press purposely downplays key role of armed student in Jerusalem

An armed student at Jerusalem’s Mercaz Haray seminary played a crucial role in stopping a gun-wielding terrorist Thursday, but the American press is downplaying his heroism because it proves that armed students can stop campus gunmen, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Yitzhak Dadon, 40, was described as “a private citizen who had a gun license and was able to...

When Liberals Rationalize

By Ken Hanson, Esq. Professor Laurence Tribe has published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that has some folks scratching their heads bloody. In this piece, Tribe interjects his opinion on the D.C. v. Heller case about to be argued in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Typical of his genus ( liberis thinkeumsupremis ), Tribe's piece is a splendid example of intellectual obfuscation.

Op-Ed: Columbine To Va. Tech To NIU - Gun-Free Zones Or Killing Fields?

By John R. Lott, Jr. As Northern Illinois University restarts classes this week, one thing is clear: Six minutes proved too long. It took six minutes before the police were able to enter the classroom that horrible Thursday, and in that short time five people were murdered, 16 wounded. Six minutes is actually record-breaking speed for the police arriving at such an attack, but it was simply not...

To my gun-owning Democrat friends: How could you vote for either one?

By Chad D. Baus I've spent the last few weeks examining the choices left on the GOP primary ballot. I thought on this Ohio Primary eve I would take a look the choices my pro-gun Democrat friends are facing. In Ohio alone, approximately 1/2 million people have hunting and/ or concealed handgun licenses. More importantly, Ohio gun owners made up 27 percent of the total vote in Ohio in the year 2000...

Interior Department To Propose New Rules Regarding Right-to-Carry In National Parks

After nearly five years of effort by NRA-ILA, the U.S. Department of the Interior has finally responded to the many requests for a change in its policy on carrying and transporting firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. In a letter hand-delivered today to the U.S. Senators who wrote him asking for this policy change, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne has directed Lyle Laverty,...

Presidential candidates need to address the real issues for gun owners

"I’ve been a hunter all my life" and other phony appeals By Brian S. Stewart In the pantheon of cringe-worthy attempts to fabricate 2nd amendment bona fides, presidential candidates of the last several years have provided more than their fair share. From the infamous "Small Varmints"-Gate of the early Mitt Romney campaign to Hillary Clinton’s desperate revelation that she too used to be quite the...


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