National Politics

Perfect Storm for Gun Owners: Ohio Presidential Primary edition

By Chad D. Baus My story " Perfect storm for gun owners? McCain, DeWine and Giuliani join forces ", was published at only a little more than 24 hours after the outcome of Super Tuesday was known. In that commentary, I wrote about how anti-gun former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's endorsement of Senator John McCain , and anti-gun former Senator Mike DeWine's work as McCain's...

Editorial: Allow concealed carry

February 16, 2008 Dover-New Philadelphia Times-Reporter It’s time we allow concealed carry on America’s university campuses. Maybe an armed, well-trained professor might have been able to stop the graduate student who went on a shooting rampage Thursday in a Northern Illinois University lecture hall, killing six and wounded 15 before turning the gun on himself. And maybe someone with a weapon...

20 dead this month in Illinois spree killings, but the state's gun-grabbers will never get it

By Gerard Valentino How long does this have to happen? How many of my home state brethren have to die? When will people like Chicago Mayor Daley and Governor Blagojevich realize they are leaving their citizens at the whim of thugs and the deranged? The sad truth is they will never get it – they will never learn that their draconian gun policies don’t work. Chicago leads the nation in murders...

Denial killed NIU students; Denial is alive and well on Ohio campuses

By Chad D. Baus Following the latest multiple-victim public shooting on the Northern Illinois University campus, radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh focused his national audience on the fact that these shootings keep occurring in what he calls " these wonderful, Utopian, marvelous little college campi that is a gun-free zone ." This is another case in point where you have a liberal gun-free zone,...

Barack Obama and gun rights: When is "Support" Not Support?

By Ken Hanson, Esq. Barak Obama continues his attempt to be all things to all people by claiming in an Associated Press interview that he supports the individual right to bear firearms. The interview was conducted in the immediate aftermath of the Northern Illinois shootings. What is astounding to me is that the reporter, Nedra Pickler, presents that pro-gun position as the premise of the story (...

Time to close the “Public Safety Loophole”

By Tim Inwood In April 2007 we saw the worst school shooting in American history. Students were lined up against the wall and shot to death like cattle at Virginia Tech. These scholars stood meekly and could do nothing to fight back, as school policy had disarmed them and for obeying this idiotic rule they died. Ten months later, it seems bureaucrats and policy makers around the country have...

State of Ohio: Ohio Congressmen & women sign on in support of Second Amendment

By Chad D. Baus and Dean Rieck The State of Ohio has officially joined a Writ of Certiorari in support of the pro-Second Amendment position in the District of Columbia v. Heller gun case. Thanks to State Attorney General Marc Dann, a Democrat who has earned multiple endorsements from Buckeye Firearms Association, the State of Ohio has joined the states of Texas, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas,...

SAF, CCRKBA ask candidates to sign 2008 Presidential Gun Rights Pledge

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today are transmitting to each of the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates the “2008 Presidential Gun Rights Pledge.” In a letter to the candidates, SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb and CCRKBA Executive Director Mark A. Taff note, “It is not enough for a candidate for this nation’s...


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