National Politics

Poll Finds 66% Of Voters Want No New Gun Laws A recent Zogby International poll conducted for Associated Television News found that 66% of the American voting public rejects the idea that new gun control laws are needed. The poll asked: “Which of the following two statements regarding gun control comes closer to your own opinion? Statement A: There needs to be new and tougher gun control legislation to help in the fight against...

Op-Ed: A New York State of Mind

By Fred Thompson When I was working in television, I spent quite a bit of time in New York City. There are lots of things about the place I like, but New York gun laws don’t fall in that category. Anybody who knows me knows I’ve always cared deeply about the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. So I’ve always felt sort of relieved when I flew back home to where that particular civil...

Take it from Bloomberg: 'Nobody Will Elect Me President'

Just two months after bolting the GOP and setting up a website, it appears as though anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg recognizes his threatened independent presidential campaign is going no where. In an interview with Dan Rather , scheduled to air next week, Bloomberg admitted what gun owners have been saying for months: "Nobody's going to elect me president of the United States." It...

Parker case now known as “Heller” as it is appealed to U.S. Supreme Court

UPDATE: Editor's Note - The official name of the case remains Parker vs. District of Columbia . Due to legal technicalities we will not know what the Supreme Court case will be called until first or second week of November 2007. The anti-gun side will be referring to it as Heller because they don't like being in the position of having to attack Parker, an African-American woman. By Tim Inwood For...

Op-Ed: HR 2640 - Sensible Solution or Trojan Horse?

By Clayton E. Cramer My last two columns addressed the problem of psychosis, violence and gun control. This column is about HR 2640, a mental illness and gun control bill currently before Congress that has split the gun rights community more than I can ever recall seeing. Click 'Read More' for additional excerpts. What does HR 2640 purport to do? (Remember that I am talking about the HR 2640 as...

'Enough is Enough': While Washington Vacations, a War Rages Here at Home

By Newt Gingrich I was just about to speak to the Republican gathering in Ames, Iowa, Saturday when I learned something so distressing that it caused me to change the topic of my speech. By now you have heard about the three young college students who were murdered execution-style in Newark, N.J., last week. Another student was shot in the head but survived. What you might not...

HR1897, Carry in National Parks: A bill whose time is past due

By Tim Inwood United States Representative Ron Paul has introduced a bill that I hope gets some traction. HR1897 would restore our ability to carry firearms in the National Parks for our defense. How important is this? Every year we hear some terrible story of someone getting mauled or killed by wild animals on Federally owned land - land that we are encouraged to visit and pay for, but where we...

Prez wanna-be caught on tape: ''NRA...involved in...strategy I don't understand

By Chad D. Baus As many politically-involved gun owners are aware, there has been a lot of anti-gun rhetoric coming out of New York City from a man whose name is being mentioned among the bloated field of anti-gun Presidential candidates. Consider the following quotes: "In New York City, 90% of the guns that we see come from outside the city of New York." "We've gone to the 9mm weapon for police...


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