National Politics

Rudy Giuliani: Gun manufacturers knowingly calculate sales to illegal market

By Chad D. Baus A video of then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been posted at YouTube with the following caption: On June 23, 2000 [New York City Mayor] Rudy Giuliani tried to justifiy the gun industry lawsuit to a concerned citizen. Giuliani claims that gun manufacturers overproduce firearms. Giuliani claims that most police officers are in favor of gun control. Giuliani claims that gun control reduced...

Op-Ed: The Crime-Statistics Con Job

By John R. Lott Jr. It is a remarkable con job. Over the last six months, the Police Executive Research Forum, the chief executives of primarily large police departments, has gotten the media concerned that the country is threatened by a sudden upsurge in violent crime and murder. A New York Times story on March 9th started the current round of hysteria with the headline that “Violent Crime in...

Op-Ed: Law and Order and Guns - Rudy has some funny views on guns

He’d better beware if Thompson enters the race By John R. Lott, Jr. One person’s “reasonable and sensible” gun laws aren’t always another’s. So when Rudy Giuliani recognizes that the Second Amendment guarantees people the right to bear arms subject to “reasonable and sensible” laws, it really doesn’t tell us much. Yet one thing is for sure though: Giuliani is hardly a “strict constructionist” on...

Op-Ed: Rudy's Gun-Control Agenda

March 20, 2007 By John Velleco The 2007 version of Rudy Giuliani defends his past support of gun control as a necessary evil to fight crime in a big city. When pressed recently about his views on the 2nd Amendment by Sean Hannity of Fox News, Giuliani attempted to tap dance around his gun-control record without alienating the 290 million Americans who don’t live in New York City...

New FBI Study Again Proves the Lie of Gun Control

By Dean Rieck Force Science News recently reported on a landmark 5-year study of cop killers conducted by the FBI and detailed in a 180-page summary called “Violent Encounters: A Study of Felonious Assaults on Our Nation’s Law Enforcement Officers.” While the study focused specifically on criminals who have assaulted officers, the facts emerging from this study are a damning indictment of the...

The company he keeps: John McCain names Mike DeWine as Ohio campaign chair

By Chad D. Baus Little more than three months after the anti-gun incumbent Mike DeWine lost the support of his conservative base and was tossed out of office, the Associated Press is reporting that Republican Senator John McCain has decided DeWine is the perfect man to lead his Presidential campaign in Ohio. They make quite a pair.

AP: Stings on Ohio gun shops questioned

The Associated Press is reporting federal officials believe private investigators hired by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to conduct undercover sting operations on gun shops in Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia could be breaking the law, and the dealers caught making illegal sales in the stings will not face criminal prosecution. From the story: “Although a decision has...

Dave Kopel's Presidential candidates on the Second Amendment

By Chad D. Baus On January 15, I examined the early 2008 Presidential contenders and their collective (weak) stance on gun rights. Pro-gun author/ blogger Dave Kopel recently published his own preliminary assessment of some of the people who have been listed as likely or definite candidates, which was published recently at The Volokh Conspiracy . Following is Kopel's preliminary look at some of...


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