National Politics

CNN/YouTube Democrat Debate: ''Protect your baby'' - register to vote!

By Tim Inwood Perhaps I expected too much. I had hoped they would be on their best behavior, but no. What am I lamenting? The shoddy treatment given to the American gun owner in the last Democrat Presidential debate, that’s what. I am sadly not surprised by how us gun owners were dealt with as I watched the CNN-hosted YouTube Democrat debate. I will grant that Jered Townsend did not present...

Op-Ed: Anti-Gun Goofs - Dems' YouBoob Moment

By Michelle Malkin New York Post Sen. Joe Biden is the embodiment of snide. Snide is the embodiment of the left-wing attitude toward gun owners. So when snide Joe Biden confronted a YouTube user who asked Democrat presidential candidates about gun control during a debate Monday night, what unfolded was a Teachable YouTube Moment - the caught-on-tape embodiment of ideological snideness toward the...

Poll: Gun owners have opportunity to shape impression of Bloomberg in Ohio

By Chad D. Baus On July 12, the Hannah News Service reported on the latest Quinnipiac Poll, which found that 61% of Ohioans have no opinion of anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and that his unfavorables are higher than favorables among the rest. Ohio gun owners have an excellent opportunity to help inform their friends and neighbors about this anti-gun candidate before his...

D.C. appeals overthrown gun ban ruling to U.S. Supreme Court

The Associated Press is reporting that the D.C government has decided to petition the Supreme Court to hear its appeal of the federal circuit court's decision to overturn the city's 30-year-old handgun ban. Click 'Read More' for the entire story. From the story : Mayor Adrian Fenty's office says the city's ban on most handguns can and should be defended. The gun law bars residents from keeping...

Proposed safety regs would dry up ammunition sales recently reported that the federal government is considering a series of new rules that would apply to workplaces where "explosives" are handled, giving rise to a concern that the restrictions could be used to limit – or eliminate – reasonable access to firearms ammunition. The issue was highlighted by Rush Limbaugh recently and first covered on this website here . From...

Bloomberg quits GOP; Threatens to join bloated field of anti-gun prez candidates

By Chad D. Baus As if there aren't enough anti-gun candidates sparring in one of the earliest presidential campaign seasons ever, it looks like there is about to be one more. Joining the list of pro-gun control candidates like Hillary Rodham Clinton (D), Barack Hussein Obama (D), Rudy Giuliani (R) and John McCain (R), will likely soon be anti-gun billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I)...

Tiahrt Responds to Bloomberg Campaign of Lies and Distortion

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-Goddard) today blasted the organization behind a comprehensive campaign aimed at repealing current law that prohibits public release of critical data related to ongoing criminal investigations. In addition to a full page ad in USA Today last week, Internet ads and a series of television ads, Mayors Against Illegal Guns has now hired someone to...

Anti-gun Senator Does Bloomberg's Bidding - Yanks Tiahrt Amendment

June 8, 2007 Anti-gun Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee, announced she will not include the Tiahrt Amendment in the CJS appropriations bill. In doing so, Mikulski will defy the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) and the Fraternal Order of Police-supporters of the Amendment-and...


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