National Politics

New Government Report Undercuts Obama Anti-Gun Agenda

Things haven't been very good for President Obama lately. [Last] week, Congress heard from witnesses concerning his administration's fatal failures related to the September 11, 2012, attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Not buying into the make-believe nonsense that Obama has improved America's standing among terrorists devoted to our destruction, jihadists recently attacked the Boston...

On the Hill: Senate Narrowly Rejects Pro-Gun Amendment, While House Committee Approves Protection for Veterans

On May 8, the U.S. Senate took up consideration of S. 601, the "Water Resources Development Act of 2013." During the debate, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) offered an amendment to extend the Right to Carry to lands administered by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps manages over 11.7 million acres, including many recreational areas. In 2009, Congress passed legislation protecting the Right to Carry...

Magazine capacity limits - who they'll truly affect

MB Studio Productions is dedicated to the preservation of our constitutional rights, and has combined this dedication with a passion for production and entertainment, with a goal of using moving media to support the Second Amendment. This is the first of several Public Service Announcements MB Studio Productions will be producing to demonstrate who gun laws really affect and why they don't work.

Bringing firearms business to Ohio

by Jim Irvine Since the killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, states like New York, Colorado and Connecticut have passed drastic anti-freedom laws aimed at restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens. None of those restrictions would stop a killer in a movie theater or inside a school from walking into the next room of innocent victims. Because firearms were a large...

Media, gun control groups desperate to prop up claims that pro-gun votes will hurt Portman and other Senators at the ballot box

by Chad D. Baus The establishment media, which repeatedly asserted that the horrific attack on a school in Newtown, CT meant that gun control was inevitable, are still reeling from the defeat of the anti-gun Manchin-Toomey amendment that sought to make Chuck Schumer's gun control bill, S. 469, palatable to more Senators. Their attempts to make the undesirable "inevitable" having failed, the media...

Poll proves claims of 90% support for "universal" background checks a lie; Media fail to make connection

by Chad D. Baus Remember that Obama administration claim, repeated ad nauseum during the media push to use the horrific massacre in "gun free" Sandy Hook Elementary to pass gun control, that 90% of the American people support an expanded background check bill? The statistic was debunked any number of ways during the run-up to the vote on S. 469, but that didn't stop Obama and the media from...

NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits underway today

[Editor's Note - several Buckeye Firearms Association leaders are on hand in Houston this week for the NRA meetings. If you see them, be sure to say "hi!".] by Jim Shepherd [Today begins] the one hundred and forty second edition of the NRA's Annual Meeting & Exhibitions. The booths are up, prepped and ready for a crowd anticipated to be larger than last year's 72,000+ in St. Louis. It will be...

NRA-ILA's Chris W. Cox: Message to Gun Owners on Their Victory in the Senate

by Chris Cox While both sides in the gun control debate regroup after our victory in the Senate earlier this week, I want to give credit where credit is due. The credit for [last] Wednesday's defeat of gun control goes to the countless gun owners and other Americans who drew a line in the sand—who sent emails and letters and made phone calls to their U.S. senators, urging them to protect private...


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