National Politics

As the U.S. Senate debated gun control in D.C., citizens used guns to protect themselves in Ohio

by Chad D. Baus News of the (failed) push to pass gun control legislation in the U.S. Senate, as well as the terror attack on Boston, dominated the media last week for good reason. But here in Ohio, a series of events that might otherwise have received wider news coverage went virtually unnoticed. Saturday, April 13 Toledo Police say a homeowner shot and killed a man who was attempting to break...

Gun confiscation already underway

by Thomas Lucente And so it begins. The gun grab. Liberal politicians keep telling us they don’t want to take away our guns. "I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away," President Barack Obama has said. "There's no way Uncle Sam can go find out whether you have a gun," Vice President Joe Biden said. Tell that to David Lewis, 35, of Erie...

Chechen terrorists in Boston expose the fallacy of gun control laws

by Chad D. Baus As I listened to the play by play coverage of the Boston bombing terrorists' rampage through the streets of the city late Thursday night and Friday morning, I knew it was only a matter of time before the media began on their quest to find out where the two Chechen terrorists got the guns they used to kill one police officer and wound another. Many journalists, I knew, would pursue...

Op-Ed: Universal Background Checks Aren’t

by C. D. Michel In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, America’s gun control movement was momentarily reenergized. Many reasoned voices sought solutions for such events, which unimpassioned analysis showed to mainly be a mental health issue. Gun control groups also concurred on the mental health aspect, then squandered that brief moment of collaboration by tossing their...

V. P. Biden pledges more executive action on guns from Obama “later this week," White House corrects

by Chad D. Baus We the People have spoken through our representatives in Congress. We do not want law-abiding Americans' Second Amendment rights curbed in the name of "doing something" about the horrific attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School. We do not want our legislators to pass things that feel good but that will do nothing to prevent these types of mass killings. Unfortunately, Vice...

Manchin-Toomey anti-gun rights amendment defeated; "Assault weapons" & "high capacity" magazine bans defeated

This article was updated as new information became available. by Chad D. Baus The United States Senate has failed to achieve the necessary 60 votes to overcome a Republican filibuster of the Manchin-Toomey amendment to Chuck Schumer's "universal background checks" bill, S. 649. The amendment, which was supported by Sen. Schumer, had been hailed by the media just last week as the best chance of...

Cops say gun control proposals do nothing to stop crime

The following article was originally published by The Lima News . Republished with permission. by Greg Sowinski LIMA - A national survey of police officers show overwhelming support for the Second Amendment while opposing many federal gun control proposals they say would do little, if anything, to stop crime. Those beliefs are supported by some local officers, as well. The national survey was...

Manchin-Toomey is gun registration: "Background gun-check records are saved."

by Alan Korwin The so-called "background check" bill is really about gun registration -- ultimate and imminent registration of every gun and gun owner in America. The mandatory paper records are saved -- nobody denies that. Federal agents use those all the time. The electronic records have virtually no controls on them. They go into a system designed as a recording device. This bill vastly...


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