National Politics

Compromise At What Cost?

by Jim Shepherd With the United States Senate now moving toward the eventual passage of legislation that is more anti-gun owners than anti-crime, anti-gun legislators and the media are starting to celebrate another baby-step toward their ultimate goal: disarmament of the private citizen. That sounds fatalistic, but even as New York Governor Cuomo calls proposed compromise legislation a "sell-out...

The “Pro-Gun” provisions of Manchin-Toomey are actually a bonanza of gun control

by Dave Kopel The Toomey-Manchin Amendment which may be offered as soon as Tuesday to Senator Reid's gun control bill are billed as a "compromise" which contain a variety of provisions for gun control, and other provisions to enhance gun rights. Some of the latter, however, are not what they seem. They are badly miswritten, and are in fact major advancements for gun control. In particular: 1. The...

Senate bill would turn law-abiding gun owners into felons

A new bill would make it a crime to "transfer" your gun to a spouse for more than seven days. by Dave Kopel Public-opinion polls about "universal background checks" for gun sales show widespread support. While President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg talk about "gun sales," the actual legislation moving through Congress aims to regulate far more than sales. It would turn almost every gun owner into a...

Study: "Universal" background checks not likely to reduce gun crime; Reps. Heard & Patmon push UBC bills in Ohio anyways

Using 20-year-old data, President Obama recently claimed that as many as 40 percent of gun purchases take place without a background check (Remarks by the President, March 28, 2013). He suggested that requiring background checks for all gun purchases will reduce gun violence by keeping dangerous people from acquiring firearms. To determine if the 40 percent estimate is accurate today,...

Senate may vote today to end private sales at gun shows and online; Sen. Portman "undecided" if he'll join filibuster

[UPDATE: Sen. Rob Portman joins 31 Senators voting against moving the bill to the floor. Filibuster attempts proved unsuccessful, however, as 16 other Republicans including John McCain voted with the anti-gun rights majority. Portman said he hasn't seen the specific language of the Toomey-Manchin amendment described below, and thus could not yet say whether or not he could support it. by Chad D...

Best case scenario: Obama and Bloomberg prove they know nothing about the guns they seek to ban

Worst case scenario: They are intentionally lying, and hoping you don't know the difference It has been widely reported that the killer in the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last year was a semi-automatic AR-15 stolen from its rightful owner. In fact, it was for precisely that reason that President Obama said that gun control will be a "central issue" of his...

OGCA makes significant donation to Buckeye Firearms Foundation teacher training

by Larry S. Moore OGCA check presentation - From left to right: Larry Moore, BFA; Robert Ray Preston, OGCA First Vice President; Joe Eaton, BFA; Fred L. Kolb, OGCA BoD; and Charles D. Rush, OGCA Second Vice President The momentum behind the Buckeye Firearms Foundation's efforts to train our teachers to respond to school violence continues to grow. The program received a major boost when the Ohio...

Headline: Local schools analyzing NRA safety recommendations, Firearms group raises funds for teacher training

by Chad D. Baus The Middletown Journal is reporting that Ohio schools are analyzing the results of a recently-released $1 million, 225-page study on school safety funded by the NRA. From the article : Schools should train selected staff members to carry weapons and should each have at least one armed security officer to make students safer and allow a quicker response to an attack, the director...


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