National Politics

2011 - The Year In Review

By Chad D. Baus While there is far too much to cover in a single article, we reflect on some of the important events of 2011. January: The year begins with a chorus of media editorials cheering the death of Senate Bill 239, the restaurant and car carry bill that was killed at the hands of then-Speaker Armond Budish (D), who broke a promise to gun owners and refused to call the legislature back...

Attention Lamestream Media...I Am the Gun Lobby

by Jeff Knox To all of those "reporters" and pundits at ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, The New York Times and all the other Times , The Boston Globe , The Spokane Spokesman-Review , the Cleveland Plain Dealer , Arizona Republic , all of the Tribunes , Stars , and Ledgers ; Let me make something perfectly clear: The NRA is not the Gun Lobby. Neither is the NSSF, nor the GOA, nor even The Firearms...

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry: I will only appoint pro-gun justices to U.S. Supreme Court

Texas governor "the only candidate trying to connect with gun owners" by Chad D. Baus The only Republican presidential candidate to have made his support for gun rights a part of his campaign is discussing it yet again. On Monday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry told attendees at a town hall meeting in Manchester, Iowa, that if he is elected president he will only appoint U.S. Supreme Court justices who...

Congress Packs Firearms Riders in "Minibus"

by Jeff Knox Rather than pass a large, all-encompassing omnibus appropriations bill for the new fiscal year – which began on October 1 – Congress narrowed the scope of their first funding bill to cover only certain essential services and agencies in what they dubbed a "minibus" appropriations bill. Even so, the measure, which was finally passed in mid November and signed by the President on...

Op-Ed: The Next Decisive Date in American History

by Wayne LaPierre In all of our nation’s history, a handful of dates stand out – dates that meant life or death for America and our freedoms. On July 4, 1776, our Founding Fathers put their lives on the line and declared that America would be independent and free. On June 6, 1944, American troops landed at Normandy and America took a critical step toward ending history’s bloodiest war. And on...

A Tale of Two Ohio Elected Officials: Rep. Steve Austria stands up for gun rights legislation that George Voinovich once killed

by Gerard Valentino A speech given by Congressman Steve Austria (R-OH) during the debate over legalizing nationwide concealed carry was a reminder of how important it is to support candidates dedicated to defending the right to bear arms. It also offered the Ohio Republican Party redemption for the vote cast by former United States Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) that killed a previous attempt to...

Headline: House GOP proposes ‘lost confidence’ resolution on Attorney General Holder is reporting that nearly two-dozen Republicans are backing legislation stating that Congress "has lost confidence" in Eric Holder to continue as attorney general. According to the article, the resolution, introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and supported by 21 GOP co-sponsors, resolves "that it is the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress has lost confidence in the...

Op-Ed: Gun owners to count at the ballot box

by Wayne LaPierre The fight for 2012 is a fight for our country, our values and our freedom, and if the National Rifle Association (NRA) has anything to say about it, Barack Obama won't get a second term. Mark these words - the NRA and America's gun owners will have plenty to say about it. President Obama doesn’t want to hear that. He doesn't want gun owners active in the next election. He doesn'...


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