National Politics

Fast Furious Follies

by Jim Shepherd After spending most of the day [Thursday, December 8] watching Washington's definition of government at "work" on answering questions about Operation Fast and Furious and the failure of MF Global, I found myself looking at more than 28 pages of notes and asking myself a simple question: why bother? In a single day's time, I watched as a former Senator, Governor, and self-described...

November sees 16.5% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 18th straight month over month increase

Black Friday sales record plays a part The November 2011 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,101,076 is an increase of 16.5 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 945,463 in November 2010. For comparison, the unadjusted November 2011 NICS figure of 1,527,454 reflects an 18.7 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,286,817 in...

Emails expose what gun owners have long suspected: "Fast & Furious" was a plot aimed at making the case for tougher gun laws

CBS News is reporting that internal emails obtained by the news organization show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales. From the article : In Fast and Furious, ATF secretly encouraged gun dealers to sell to suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels to go...

The death of common sense: Now even a purse decorated with the small image of a gun can get you in trouble with the TSA

A Jacksonville, FL television station is reporting that the Transportation Security Administration stopped a 17 year-old girl at the security gate and caused her to miss her flight because the design of her purse contained the small shape of a revolver molded in plastic. From the article : "It's my style, it's camouflage, it has an old western gun on it," [Vanessa] Gibbs said. But her preference...

CCW Permit Holders Have Better Carriage Protocol Than One Federal Law Enforcement Agency

On November 1, 2011, Marcus Flagg, President of Federal Flight Deck Officers Association (FFDOA) testified before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee, Chaired by Senator Joeseph Lieberman (D-CT). Mr. Flagg did an excellent job addressing problems with the TSA in general and the FFDO program in particular, as well as explaining the importance of a multi-layer...

Associated Press article props up false notion of Obama having failed to deliver on gun control

by Chad D. Baus The Associated Press reported recently that while the Republican presidential candidates are fuzzy about some issues, they leave little doubt about where they stand on gun rights. From the article : Rick Perry and Rick Santorum go pheasant hunting and give interviews before heading out. Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain speak to the National Rifle Association convention. Michele...

Buckeye Firearms' Chairman Jim Irvine interviewed on KPCC Los Angeles re: NYT investigation on restoration of firearm rights

On November 17, 2011, following the publication of a New York Times' investigation of firearms rights restoration which included a quote from Buckeye Firearms Association Legislative Chair Ken Hanson, BFA Chair Jim Irvine was invited to discuss the article with Times reporter Michael Luo and Adam Winkler, constitutional law professor at UCLA, live on KPCC 89.3 FM in Los Angeles. Listen online...

No Hiding the Wide Receiver Now: ATF gun-running scandal #2

by Jim Shepherd A major news feature written by Bloomberg/Businessweek Assistant Managing Editor Paul M. Barrett will likely make it difficult, if not impossible, for the administration to continue to defend Operation Fast and Furious as a one-time bad idea. Barrett's story "The Guns That Got Away" tells the story of Operation Wide Receiver, a 2006 Tucson, Arizona based ATF operation. Begun under...


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