National Politics

National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act Scheduled for House Floor on Tuesday—Contact Your U.S. Representative Immediately!

H.R. 822—the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011" is scheduled for a vote on the U.S. House floor this Tuesday, November 15 . We've told you the truth about why the legislation is very good for gun owners and now it is imperative that you contact your U.S. Representative IMMEDIATELY and urge him or her to vote for H.R. 822 WITH NO AMENDMENTS. As we have been reporting all along, H.R...

Op-Ed: Let’s honor our veterans by protecting their Second Amendment rights

by Chris Cox This Friday, as we honor the courage and sacrifice of our U.S. military veterans, we should also be mindful of a terrible injustice that too many of them are forced to endure when they come home from the field of battle: the loss of their Second Amendment rights. Today there are roughly 114,000 veterans and veterans’ family members who have had their ability to purchase a firearm in...

Fast, Furious, Feeble...

by Jim Shepherd The old joke about the NCAA's somewhat selective enforcement of basketball rules went like this: "The NCAA's so mad at Kentucky that they're giving Slippery Rock three more years of probation." Translation: the NCAA was going to protect its own even if it sometimes meant the innocent were punished. Seems the Justice Department could work well with the NCAA, at least when it comes...

Headline: "Holder Refuses To Apologize For Murder Of Border Agent; Says Fast & Furious Didn't Lead To Death"

by Chad D. Baus has posted a transcript of testimony by Attorney General Eric Holder, submitted at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at which he was asked to answer questions about the ATF's "Operation Fast and Furious" gun running scandal, which has led directly to the deaths of two, possibly three U.S. agents and more than 200 Mexicans . In the video, Holder can be seen...

October sees 10.6% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 17th straight month over month increase

The October 2011 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 945,088 is an increase of 10.6 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 854,563 in October 2010. For comparison, the unadjusted October 2011 NICS figure of 1,331,836 reflects a 2.1 percent decrease from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,359,894 in October 2010. This marks the seventeenth straight...

A Few Minutes With...Herman Cain

by Jim Shepherd This weekend, thanks to the efforts of my friend Doug Warren, I had an on-the-record conversation with Herman Cain. As the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, his candidacy is drawing plenty of attention and criticism. Some of the criticism seems warranted; he has reversed himself on some issues, on others he's been short on details. He's also the...

REMINDER: Vote Tuesday in the Buckeye State!

Tuesday November 8 is Election Day in Ohio. Primary and general election days are the only two days each year where we have the ability to vote on our future. We will vote on statewide issues and local candidates. Some have asked why these local races are important, when none of the winners will hold an office where they will vote statewide gun issues. A large number of our current House of...

EDITORIAL: Democrats cling to their guns

Obama scares women and liberals into the gun store Gun ownership is on the rise in some surprising places. As much as President Obama would have us believe that only small-town yokels "cling to guns or religion," a Gallup poll released [recently] suggests many of the firearms that have been flying off the shelves in the past two years were purchased by Democrats and women. The Second Amendment...


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