National Politics

WSJ: A Gun Activist Takes Aim at U.S. Regulatory Power

by Jess Bravin MISSOULA, Mont.— With a homemade .22-caliber rifle he calls the Montana Buckaroo, Gary Marbut dreams of taking down the federal regulatory state. Montana passed a law that tries to exempt the state from federal gun regulation. But the law is now before the courts, in a test of states' rights. WSJ's Jess Bravin reports. He's not planning to fire his gun. Instead, he wants to sell it...

U.S. Senate Stands with NRA in Strongly Opposing U.N Gun Control Efforts

As has been reported recently at, Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) has been circulating a letter to be sent to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly stating opposition to any inclusion of civilian arms in the proposed UN's Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). On Friday, July 22, Moran announced that he had acquired 45 signatures - considerably more than the 34 Senators...

ATF Chief Admits Mistakes in 'Fast and Furious, ' Accuses Holder Aides of Stonewalli​ng Congress

Fox News is reporting that the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,Firearms and Explosives has admitted that his agency, in at least one instance, allowed sales of high-powered weapons without intercepting them -- and he accuses his superiors at the Justice Department of stonewalling Congress to protect political appointees in the scandal over those decisions. From the article : Acting ATF...

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre Stands Up for American Gun Owners at United Nations

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre drew a line in sand on behalf of American gun owners at the United Nations last week. LaPierre spoke to the UN's Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) Preparatory Committee, the group drafting an international treaty that will supposedly control all non-nuclear arms, worldwide, including civilian firearms. He told the audience of delegates from approximately 150 UN...

ATF Requiring Multiple Sales Reporting of Long Guns; Firearms Industry to File Suit

by Larry Keane The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) - the trade association for America's firearms industry - announced this week that it will file a lawsuit challenging the legal authority of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) under the Gun Control Act to compel 8,500 federally licensed firearms retailers in Arizona,...

Demand Gunwalker Accountability

by Jeff Knox Most of the larger national media outlets are doing their best to ignore the Gunwalker scandal, but the word is dribbling out despite the best efforts of the Obama Administration and their lackeys in the mainstream press. Those who know about the outrageous project should be demanding answers and accountability. The recent hearings in the House Oversight and Government Reform...

An Open Letter to Republican Presidential Primary Voters

by Jeff Knox Dear Republicans: Could we please have a serious, pro-rights, pro-Constitution candidate for the office of President this time? For the past several elections you have passed over good, pro-rights, pro-Constitution candidates – or never come up with any – in favor of wishy-washy "moderates" with poll-based values and elastic principles. Make no mistake: the rights movement, and the...

Obama Executive Order Cannot Legally Enact Rifle-Reporting Law

Effort to Bypass Congress Is Illegitimate, Experts Say Similar Laws Have Required Bills, Open Debate, Recorded Votes News Media Asleep at the Wheel, Reporting Without Questioning Firearm Owners Protection Act Bans Such Proposals Altogether Congress Already Rejected Reporting for Long Guns If this stands up, limits on power fall apart -- Is that the true goal of Project Gunrunner? The effort by...


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