National Politics

On Saving the Bill of Rights

Note from Jim Shepherd, Editor of The Outdoor Wire: We first met Frank Miniter at the United States Supreme Court during the historic arguments that preceded the Second Amendment affirming Heller decision. At that time, I didn't know he was already involved in writing a book which documents our gradual surrender of our rights to a government that seems intent on controlling every aspect of our...

Sportsmen Win Major Courtroom Battle Over Hunting on Public Lands

(Columbus, OH) – The lengthy battle over hunting access on dozens of units of the 100 million acre National Wildlife Refuge system has ended—and hunters can declare VICTORY! In April 2011, federal Judge James S. Gwin ruled for sportsmen across America by granting summary judgment in favor of the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other defendants while...

Fast and Furious Heating Up "The Hill"

by Jim Shepherd Seems nothing gets administration members trips under the bus quicker than being caught doing something questionable. Heavy emphasis, unfortunately, is on the "caught" portion of the sentence. Seems it's anything goes when it comes to operating in the shadows. As Congressman Darrell Issa's scathing report and equally damning hearings last week pointed to a massive operational...

CCRKBA calls for special prosecutor in ATF debacle

BELLEVUE, WA – Following more than four hours of testimony before a House committee [June 15] by a U.S. Senator, government whistleblowers and relatives of a slain Border Patrol agent, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is calling for the immediate suspension, without pay, of all supervisors involved in a controversial gunrunning sting operation, including the acting...

Strategically-timed, Joyce Foundation-funded "study" conveniently links gun ownership and carrying a gun to heavy alcohol use

by Chad D. Baus One day before Ohio's Restaurant Carry legislation came to a final vote, and after more than two years of debate and countless media articles and editorials repeating the mantra that "guns and alcohol don't mix," the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) released a "study" which they claimed proves that "gun owners who carry concealed weapons or have confronted another person...

House Democrats Urge President to End Stonewalling on "Gunrunner"

On Friday, June 03, 2011, 31 U.S. House members -- all Democrats -- wrote to President Barack Obama, urging him to end Administration stonewalling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Project Gunrunner," and the "Fast and Furious" program under which border state dealers were encouraged to sell thousands of guns to suspicious buyers. In the letter, spearheaded by Rep...

HB263: New bill bans private gun show sales and creates gun registry

by Chad D. Baus "So what's to guarantee me that, you know, any one of the members in this chamber who hold a concealed carry wouldn't shoot me in the head?" - Representative Tracy Maxwell Heard in floor debate over HB45, May 11, 2001 With that one ignorant statement, Rep. Tracy Heard (D-26) apparently proved to the radical gun ban lobby that she was the perfect choice to carry water for proposed...

"Gunrunner" investigation heating up on the Hill

by Jim Shepherd [This] week, the U.S. House of Representatives begins hearings entitled "Obstruction of Justice: Does the Justice Department Have to Respond to Lawfully Issued and Valid Congressional Subpoena?" According to Washington insiders, this hearing is the amping up of the ongoing battle between members of Congress and the Department of Justice over the Congressional investigation of the...


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