National Politics

Obama Admits Stealth Attack on Rights, Media Yawns

by Jeff Knox "I just want you to know that we are working on it," Barack Obama told Sarah Brady regarding gun control. "We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar," Obama said according to Brady. This interesting bit of news was reported in an April 11 Washington Post Lifestyle section story about Obama's gun control and regulatory policy wonk Steve Croley. Toward the end of the...

Headline: "Gun control a top goal of Obama second term" is reporting that John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., is suggesting that Barack Obama is laying the foundation to push an ambitious gun control agenda if he wins a second term. According to the article, Bolton is accusing the administration of using its own failures in the war against Mexican drug cartels as a pretext for more gun control. From the article : "We can...

Wall Street Journal: Issa Steps Up Fight over ATF Documents

The Wall Street Journal reported recently that House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa is threatening to hold the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in contempt of Congress for its refusal to produce documents. The agency says releasing them will compromise ongoing criminal cases. From the article : The fight involves the bureau's Project Gunrunner, in which law enforcement officers may have...

Firearms Industry Responds to Mexico’s Threats of Litigation

(National Shooting Sports Foundation) - [Recently] a Mexican official confirmed that President Felipe Calderon's government has hired U.S. trial lawyers to investigate possible litigation against U.S. gun manufacturers and firearms retailers, seeking to hold these lawful companies responsible for the criminal misuse of firearms in Mexico. Though the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act,...

Annual Meetings: NRA's LaPierre calls out Obama administration's Dept. of Justice and ATF for growing "gunwalker" scandal

by Jim Shepherd "We've never witnessed anything like this rottenness, lying and corruption," said Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President and CEO "and we've had it. We've had it with Erica Holder and Hillary Clinton and the rest of this administration. And Lord knows, Americans have sure had it with the arrogant, sanctimonious, gun-hating liars who call themselves the national news media."...

Mexico wants to sue U.S. gun makers

In another chapter in the ongoing attempt to blame the American gun community for Mexico's internal strife, CBS News reports that the Mexican government has retained the New York City-based law firm of Reid Collins & Tsai to examine its options for suing U.S. gun manufacturers and distributors. This report describes Mexico's actions as a "novel approach," in reality, such lawsuits have been...

Legislation to protect traditional ammunition introduced in U.S. House and Senate

Following continued attacks by anti-hunting groups to ban traditional ammunition (ammunition containing lead-core components) under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) and Reps. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) and Mike Ross (D-Ark.), all co-chairmen of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, introduced bipartisan legislation (S. 838 and H.R. 1558) to...

Legislation to Protect Gun Owners' Rights, Reform Oversight of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers Introduced in Congress

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Congressman Jason Altmire (PA-04) has joined with U.S. Congressman Steve King (IA-05) to introduce legislation that will clarify regulations and remove unnecessary restrictions on federally licensed firearms dealers and importers in the United States. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) Reform Act would modernize and improve the BATFE by...


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